Editor’s Diary: Going On Holiday

going on holiday

There’s great excitement in this week’s Editor’s Diary. I’m going on holiday!

My picture shows my destination. Can you guess where this beautiful beach might be?

Your first thought might be somewhere exotic. But, in fact, it’s Scotland! Or, to be more precise, the stunningly gorgeous Western Isles.

Many people are, for the first time, discovering the delights of a holiday spent in the UK. The rest of us already know how much more relaxed a break can be without the stresses of flying overseas.

This year, more than ever, businesses across the UK need our support. So I am very happy to be doing my bit by spending time and money close to home instead of heading abroad.

Even then, the thought of being away from home is a little daunting after so many months of lockdown. But I am looking forward to a change of scene. Working from home since last March means I have spent an awful lot of time in my house!

It’s definitely time to start getting out and about a bit more when it’s safe to do so.

Of course, taking two weeks off involves a lot of preparation on a busy magazine like the “Friend”.

I start my forward planning for a holiday at least four weeks before I leave my desk.

First, I make a list of all the tasks I need to complete. I am lucky to have a brilliant team to help out, but there are lots of things I have to get ahead myself. It usually runs to several pages in my notebook. And it gets longer as those four weeks go on!

The list includes my columns for each issue, this Editor’s Diary, cover wording for the weekly and Specials, reports for any meetings that I will miss and final approvals on issues going to press.  Sometimes I think I will never reach the end of it. But somehow I always do!

By the time you read this, I will be walking along that glorious beach. All I need now is the weather to smile on me . . .

For more from Angela’s Editor’s Diary, click the tag below.

Angela Gilchrist

I am the former Editor-in-Chief of “The People’s Friend” magazine. My passions include cats, Highland ponies, good books, vegetarian food and long walks in the Scottish countryside. My favourite place to get away from it all is the magical Isle of Skye.

Editor’s Diary: Going On Holiday

going on holiday

There’s great excitement in this week’s Editor’s Diary. I’m going on holiday!

My picture shows my destination. Can you guess where this beautiful beach might be?

Your first thought might be somewhere exotic. But, in fact, it’s Scotland! Or, to be more precise, the stunningly gorgeous Western Isles.

Many people are, for the first time, discovering the delights of a holiday spent in the UK. The rest of us already know how much more relaxed a break can be without the stresses of flying overseas.

This year, more than ever, businesses across the UK need our support. So I am very happy to be doing my bit by spending time and money close to home instead of heading abroad.

Even then, the thought of being away from home is a little daunting after so many months of lockdown. But I am looking forward to a change of scene. Working from home since last March means I have spent an awful lot of time in my house!

It’s definitely time to start getting out and about a bit more when it’s safe to do so.

Of course, taking two weeks off involves a lot of preparation on a busy magazine like the “Friend”.

I start my forward planning for a holiday at least four weeks before I leave my desk.

First, I make a list of all the tasks I need to complete. I am lucky to have a brilliant team to help out, but there are lots of things I have to get ahead myself. It usually runs to several pages in my notebook. And it gets longer as those four weeks go on!

The list includes my columns for each issue, this Editor’s Diary, cover wording for the weekly and Specials, reports for any meetings that I will miss and final approvals on issues going to press.  Sometimes I think I will never reach the end of it. But somehow I always do!

By the time you read this, I will be walking along that glorious beach. All I need now is the weather to smile on me . . .

For more from Angela’s Editor’s Diary, click the tag below.


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