After my relaxing week away from my desk, this week’s Editor’s Diary begins with an ordeal . . .
No-one likes going to the dentist, but I really, really dread it. There was no escaping it this time, however, as a broken tooth necessitated a lengthy appointment.
When I eventually arrived in the office — complete with numbed face and swollen lip — my lovely colleagues presented me with a straw so I could still have my morning cuppa.
Or perhaps they just knew what I’d be like if I didn’t get my caffeine fix!
Fortunately, my mouth was starting to recover by the following evening. The DC Thomson Book Club was having its Christmas night out. I certainly didn’t want to miss that.
The restaurant had wisely given us a private room for the occasion. That meant we could have our usual spirited debate about the book we’d just read without putting other diners off their pasta!
Over delicious Italian food, we discussed “The Toy Makers” by Robert Dinsdale. The verdict was lukewarm.
Some of us enjoyed aspects of this fantasy tale, but found the overall plot and characters unsatisfactory.
Best book of the year
Then we moved on to our Book Club chart of the year. We had all voted on the year’s chosen reads, ranking them in order of preference.
Book Club member Scott had collated them all, and was the only one who knew the results.
And top of this year’s chart was . . . “Sharp Objects” by Gillian Flynn.
We all enjoyed this gripping story of a journalist going back to her hometown to report on the murders of two young girls.
And oh, the coincidence! Without wishing to give too many spoilers, teeth are very much integral to the plot.
No escaping the dental dramas for me this week!
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Did you know BBC Scotland recently featured our Book Club? Click here to read all about it.