Editor’s Diary: Christmas Is Coming

Shutterstock / tache © editors diary

We’re still in November, but Christmas has come early to my small corner of North-east Fife, and my Editor’s Diary.

At the weekend, we had our Christmas lights switch-on!

It’s normally a lively affair, but was a little less so this year with the need to observe social distancing.

However, Santa still put in an appearance, delighting the wee ones.

The switch-on seems earlier than ever this year. But my goodness, we were needing it.

Now, when I head out on to the high street after dark, the bright and cheery lights make everything seem a bit more hopeful.

There are lots of other reasons why our Christmas lights cheer me up.

For a start, many of them have been designed by local children!

The primary school holds an annual competition and the winning design is transformed into a light-up decoration for all to see.

This gives our festive lights a unique personality that’s brimming over with charm. And just imagine how chuffed a child must be to see their winning design on display!

They are also entirely funded by the community.

Our tiny town is too small to benefit from the sort of council-funded decorations that grace the streets of bigger places.

Lots of fund-raising by hard-working people goes on throughout the year, and local residents show fabulous generosity.

It sums up a very special aspect of the festive season that is more important this year than ever.

Working together to make our communities a better place for all, and spreading cheer throughout the gloom of winter — that’s real Christmas spirit.

“The People’s Friend” Christmas Special

Of course, Christmas starts early for me every year!

It’s still summer when we begin planning our wonderful Christmas Special and its accompanying CD.

It went on sale this week, and already I’ve had so many lovely comments from readers.

There’s still time to buy your copy, but be quick! It’s our most popular Special of the year and always sells quickly.

Happy Christmas!

For more from Angela’s Editor’s Diary, click the tag below.

Angela Gilchrist

I am the former Editor-in-Chief of “The People’s Friend” magazine. My passions include cats, Highland ponies, good books, vegetarian food and long walks in the Scottish countryside. My favourite place to get away from it all is the magical Isle of Skye.

Editor’s Diary: Christmas Is Coming

Shutterstock / tache © editors diary

We’re still in November, but Christmas has come early to my small corner of North-east Fife, and my Editor’s Diary.

At the weekend, we had our Christmas lights switch-on!

It’s normally a lively affair, but was a little less so this year with the need to observe social distancing.

However, Santa still put in an appearance, delighting the wee ones.

The switch-on seems earlier than ever this year. But my goodness, we were needing it.

Now, when I head out on to the high street after dark, the bright and cheery lights make everything seem a bit more hopeful.

There are lots of other reasons why our Christmas lights cheer me up.

For a start, many of them have been designed by local children!

The primary school holds an annual competition and the winning design is transformed into a light-up decoration for all to see.

This gives our festive lights a unique personality that’s brimming over with charm. And just imagine how chuffed a child must be to see their winning design on display!

They are also entirely funded by the community.

Our tiny town is too small to benefit from the sort of council-funded decorations that grace the streets of bigger places.

Lots of fund-raising by hard-working people goes on throughout the year, and local residents show fabulous generosity.

It sums up a very special aspect of the festive season that is more important this year than ever.

Working together to make our communities a better place for all, and spreading cheer throughout the gloom of winter — that’s real Christmas spirit.

“The People’s Friend” Christmas Special

Of course, Christmas starts early for me every year!

It’s still summer when we begin planning our wonderful Christmas Special and its accompanying CD.

It went on sale this week, and already I’ve had so many lovely comments from readers.

There’s still time to buy your copy, but be quick! It’s our most popular Special of the year and always sells quickly.

Happy Christmas!

For more from Angela’s Editor’s Diary, click the tag below.


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