Editor’s Diary: A Week In The Spotlight

150 years old

What an exciting, exhilarating and exhausting few days it has been!

Tuesday January 8 started with a lovely comment on Facebook that made my day! “Thank you for being the sunshine in my letter box each week”, wrote reader Tracey Bee. I can’t think of a nicer compliment.

BBC Radio Scotland

Mid morning, I put on my coat and left the office to start my journey to Glasgow. I’d been asked to appear on the Afternoon Show on BBC Radio Scotland, and was to be interviewed live by presenter Janice Forsyth. No pressure there, then! They had also recorded a segment in our archive department a few days previously featuring Margaret from the production team and assistant archivist Barry.

I arrived in Glasgow in good time, and took a short walk beneath blue skies along a sparkling River Clyde before heading into the BBC building.

Janice is a huge fan of the “Friend”, and she did us proud with a segment lasting around 20 minutes. Thankfully I didn’t fluff my lines!

Back in the office the next day, it was all go. Our gorgeous January 12 issue was on sale, and it was also the day of our birthday party. And I had another interview to do – for BBC Scotland TV news, that was shown on Sunday, January 13. The reporter, Andrew, was lovely and filmed in the “Friend” office itself.

The Big Night

About three o’clock, we all disappeared off to the changing rooms in our building’s basement to get glammed up for the party. Tracey was playing 70s dance hits as we all jostled for the hair straighteners and elbowed our way closer to the mirrors! It felt like being a teenager getting ready for a big night out all over again.

The party itself was a triumph, with lots of surprises and special guests. Alex has written a lovely article, complete with brilliant pictures, that really capture the atmosphere.

By 8 pm I was exhausted. I drove home, picking up a chippy on the way – too tired to cook! I devoured my late supper in my pyjamas and slippers – oh, the glamour! – before collapsing into bed at the end of one of my best-ever days at work.

Catch up with all the latest from our 150th Anniversary events right here.

Angela Gilchrist

I am the former Editor-in-Chief of “The People’s Friend” magazine. My passions include cats, Highland ponies, good books, vegetarian food and long walks in the Scottish countryside. My favourite place to get away from it all is the magical Isle of Skye.

Editor’s Diary: A Week In The Spotlight

150 years old

What an exciting, exhilarating and exhausting few days it has been!

Tuesday January 8 started with a lovely comment on Facebook that made my day! “Thank you for being the sunshine in my letter box each week”, wrote reader Tracey Bee. I can’t think of a nicer compliment.

BBC Radio Scotland

Mid morning, I put on my coat and left the office to start my journey to Glasgow. I’d been asked to appear on the Afternoon Show on BBC Radio Scotland, and was to be interviewed live by presenter Janice Forsyth. No pressure there, then! They had also recorded a segment in our archive department a few days previously featuring Margaret from the production team and assistant archivist Barry.

I arrived in Glasgow in good time, and took a short walk beneath blue skies along a sparkling River Clyde before heading into the BBC building.

Janice is a huge fan of the “Friend”, and she did us proud with a segment lasting around 20 minutes. Thankfully I didn’t fluff my lines!

Back in the office the next day, it was all go. Our gorgeous January 12 issue was on sale, and it was also the day of our birthday party. And I had another interview to do – for BBC Scotland TV news, that was shown on Sunday, January 13. The reporter, Andrew, was lovely and filmed in the “Friend” office itself.

The Big Night

About three o’clock, we all disappeared off to the changing rooms in our building’s basement to get glammed up for the party. Tracey was playing 70s dance hits as we all jostled for the hair straighteners and elbowed our way closer to the mirrors! It felt like being a teenager getting ready for a big night out all over again.

The party itself was a triumph, with lots of surprises and special guests. Alex has written a lovely article, complete with brilliant pictures, that really capture the atmosphere.

By 8 pm I was exhausted. I drove home, picking up a chippy on the way – too tired to cook! I devoured my late supper in my pyjamas and slippers – oh, the glamour! – before collapsing into bed at the end of one of my best-ever days at work.

Catch up with all the latest from our 150th Anniversary events right here.


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