This Editor’s Diary starts with a challenge.
The challenge of the first full week back at work after the festive break!
The roads are busier, and the streets so dark and drab without the Christmas lights. Then there’s the thought of five whole days before the weekend . . .
In the office, the phone rings more, the e-mails flood in — and everyone wants to arrange meetings!
All the tasks we put off in December, promising they’d get our attention after Christmas, suddenly become pressing.
No wonder I enjoy my weekend walks so much.
It’s exhilarating to get out in the fresh air, even in winter. Sunday saw me heading for beautiful Moncrieffe Hill, near Perth.
This sylvan paradise is cared for by the Woodland Trust, and is criss-crossed by paths and trails for all grades of walker.
When I spotted this empty bench with a view I just had to take a photo. Next time my diary starts to stress me out, I will imagine myself back there.
I’m not a big fan of making New Year’s resolutions, but this year I’m aiming to walk more. So expect to see lots more posts about my outings in the coming weeks and months!
I’ve also taken up the challenge of trying to learn Gaelic, with the help of a handy app called Duolingo.
I’m hoping that by the time I head to Skye in March for my annual visit I will be able to say a few basic phrases.
At the moment my cats Zorro and Matilda seem a little nonplussed by the strange sounds I’m making every evening when I practise my daily lesson . . .
Safe to say I have some work to do!
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