Editor’s Diary: A Relaxing Break

editors diary

This is the penultimate Editor’s Diary of 2019.

By any stretch of the imagination, it’s been a busy year.

Lots of fun, yes, but so hectic. No wonder my energy levels have been flagging lately!

Luckily, I knew I had a few days’ holiday coming up in which to rest and recharge.

Going away on holiday is lovely, but I also really enjoy spending time at home. So that’s what I did on my most recent break.

I made the most of a wet and windy day by visiting Dundee’s fabulous V&A Museum. I’d delayed going to see their current exhibition, “Hello, Robot”, assuming it wasn’t for me.

Well, that just shows you should never pre-judge! It turned out to be a fascinating exploration of the complex relationship between humans and technology.

I was captivated by the thought-provoking exhibits.

Such as the robot that can bring the comfort of touch to a dying person — is that a good thing or not?

Or one that can play with a toddler when the parents are busy? What will humans do if robots take over most of the jobs? So many questions!

The good news is that it runs until February 9, 2020, so there’s still plenty of time to see it yourself.

All at a leisurely pace

I visited Edinburgh’s busy Christmas market, did a spot of gift buying and wrapping, and wrote my Christmas cards. All at a leisurely pace!

I also read an excellent book by one of my favourite female authors (“Unsheltered” by Barbara Kingsolver). And — unusually for me — I watched a film. In the afternoon!

It was the delightful, feel-good “The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel”. And I can thoroughly recommend it.

Then it was back to work, feeling refreshed and ready for Christmas!

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