Celebrating National Fish And Chip Day

fish and chipShutterstock / Daxiao Productions©

The news that today is National Fish And Chip Day was met with some enthusiasm in the “Friend” team.

But it also brought a lot of debate.

What kind of fish do you enjoy? Do you like brown or red sauce? Salt and vinegar?

And, perhaps most importantly, do you like mushy peas?

Getting a consensus was tough!

And recent research by food delivery app Foodhub suggests we’re not the only ones struggling to agree.

In the north-west of England, for example, mushy peas are the most popular accompaniment to fish and chips — but gravy isn’t far behind.

In London, though, mayonnaise is the winner, with 25% of the vote. Curry sauce is a close second with 24%. That would go down well up here in Dundee!

Paper, or plate?

And the nation is divided about how best to eat fish and chips, too.

One third of people say they prefer to eat it from the paper, while slightly more say they’d rather eat it from a plate.

Some 44% of us eat our treat with a traditional knife and fork, with almost one in five of us eating it with an iconic chippy-style wooden fork.

One thing’s for sure: this debate will go on for a little while!

Over on Facebook, we’re asking our readers for their opinions on what to call the classic “chips on a roll”. Some of the answers have been surprising!

Click here to get involved and give us your suggestion!

For more on National Fish And Chip Day, click here.

All this talk of food making your stomach rumble? Why not try this recipe for vegan fish and chips!


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