Between Friends

between friends

Snapshots In Time

I caught up with a friend I hadn’t seen for a couple of years. She had been a high-flier in her career and juggled this with raising her two children, who had long since flown the nest.

Now that Cheryl was retired, she no longer talked about spreadsheets and financial projections, her new hot topic was enthusing about her young granddaughter.

Cheryl has now taken to keeping a diary of all the amusing things her little granddaughter says, as well as logging the special moments they share together on the two days a week she looks after her.

She one day hopes to hand these diaries over – a keepsake present to mark a special birthday, perhaps.

What a fabulous idea. My friend was always a great mum, but she now has time to really savour her role as Nanna.

Keep Memories Alive

The passing of time often dims memories, until some sadly fade away for ever.

That’s why I love looking after the Between Friends pages of the magazine, it offers a platform where readers can tell their own stories with pictures of their children or grandchildren. It’s a great way to share and keep these memories alive.

So why not send in a photograph of your little ones, either by e-mail or by post? Remember, those that are published also win a prize.


Yvonne McKenzie

I work on the Features team and admit to being nosy, so I love looking after the Between Friends letters and finding out all about our lovely readers. I also look after our health copy and enjoy writing about inspiring people that help make the articles in the magazine so interesting.

Between Friends

between friends

Snapshots In Time

I caught up with a friend I hadn’t seen for a couple of years. She had been a high-flier in her career and juggled this with raising her two children, who had long since flown the nest.

Now that Cheryl was retired, she no longer talked about spreadsheets and financial projections, her new hot topic was enthusing about her young granddaughter.

Cheryl has now taken to keeping a diary of all the amusing things her little granddaughter says, as well as logging the special moments they share together on the two days a week she looks after her.

She one day hopes to hand these diaries over – a keepsake present to mark a special birthday, perhaps.

What a fabulous idea. My friend was always a great mum, but she now has time to really savour her role as Nanna.

Keep Memories Alive

The passing of time often dims memories, until some sadly fade away for ever.

That’s why I love looking after the Between Friends pages of the magazine, it offers a platform where readers can tell their own stories with pictures of their children or grandchildren. It’s a great way to share and keep these memories alive.

So why not send in a photograph of your little ones, either by e-mail or by post? Remember, those that are published also win a prize.



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