An Update On Our Cover Price

cover price alcs

For almost a year, we have been able to hold the cover price of the weekly “Friend” at £1.50. In fact, we haven’t increased it since September 2019.

But this has been a year unlike any other. The costs of producing and distributing a magazine like the “Friend” continue to go up.

We have faced huge practical challenges in moving from working full-time in an office environment to having the whole team producing the magazine from their homes.

And we have also seen a drop in advertising revenue during lockdown.

All of this means that, from July 18 issue, the cover price of “The People’s Friend” will increase to £1.60.

I know this will come as a disappointment to some of you, and I’m aware that many readers are on tight budgets. But it is simply not possible to delay this move any longer.

I do hope you agree that the “Friend” continues to represent great value for money. Every issue is packed with quality stories and features, and that’s the way we aim to keep it.  There is more reading in the “Friend” than in any other weekly magazine on the market.

I would like to finish this message with a sincere thank-you to all our loyal, supportive readers who have continued to buy the magazine throughout this difficult year.

Without all of you there wouldn’t be a “Friend”, and I am truly grateful for your support.

For more from Angela, read her Editor’s Diary here.

A subscription to “The People’s Friend” is an easy way to ensure you’ll never miss an issue. We have a great offer for new subscribers at the moment — for more information, click here.

Angela Gilchrist

I am the former Editor-in-Chief of “The People’s Friend” magazine. My passions include cats, Highland ponies, good books, vegetarian food and long walks in the Scottish countryside. My favourite place to get away from it all is the magical Isle of Skye.

An Update On Our Cover Price

cover price alcs

For almost a year, we have been able to hold the cover price of the weekly “Friend” at £1.50. In fact, we haven’t increased it since September 2019.

But this has been a year unlike any other. The costs of producing and distributing a magazine like the “Friend” continue to go up.

We have faced huge practical challenges in moving from working full-time in an office environment to having the whole team producing the magazine from their homes.

And we have also seen a drop in advertising revenue during lockdown.

All of this means that, from July 18 issue, the cover price of “The People’s Friend” will increase to £1.60.

I know this will come as a disappointment to some of you, and I’m aware that many readers are on tight budgets. But it is simply not possible to delay this move any longer.

I do hope you agree that the “Friend” continues to represent great value for money. Every issue is packed with quality stories and features, and that’s the way we aim to keep it.  There is more reading in the “Friend” than in any other weekly magazine on the market.

I would like to finish this message with a sincere thank-you to all our loyal, supportive readers who have continued to buy the magazine throughout this difficult year.

Without all of you there wouldn’t be a “Friend”, and I am truly grateful for your support.

For more from Angela, read her Editor’s Diary here.

A subscription to “The People’s Friend” is an easy way to ensure you’ll never miss an issue. We have a great offer for new subscribers at the moment — for more information, click here.


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