Well, that’s it – done and dusted!
After almost a whole year spent working on it, our 150th Anniversary Special Collector’s Edition has gone to press. I have just pushed the button giving the printers the green light to go ahead and start printing all 148 pages of it. Now I’m feeling a mix of emotions.
Relief – because putting it together has taken up a vast amount of our time and energy over the last 12 months.
Pride – because even though I say so myself, it is utterly fabulous; by far the best thing the “Friend” team has ever produced in all the many years I’ve been part of it.
The weight of responsibility – what if the readers don’t like it, or nobody buys it?
Excitement – I can’t wait to see what it looks like on the beautiful thick matte paper we’ve chosen to show off all the rare archive material to best effect. And also sadness – because it has been genuinely great fun to work on, and we’ve all loved our regular forays into the Archives Department.
Inside look to creating a magazine
But now I’ve handed it over, and my part in the process is done – a bit like sending your child out into the world when it starts school! To celebrate, I thought you might like a little insider look at how a magazine starts its life. We begin with what we call a flat plan, and here is the genuine one, scribbles and all, that has sat on my desk for the past year.
Look closely – can you spot any clues as to what the magazine might contain? I’m giving nothing more away for now – you’ll have to wait till it goes on sale on September 5!
Of course, you can pre-order a copy direct from us, which is the best way to make sure you don’t miss out – you’ll find more details here: https://www.dcthomsonshop.co.uk/the-people-s-friend-150th-anniversary-special