Self Care Week: It’s All About You

Shutterstock / Evgeny Atamanenko © self care week

Did you know November 16-22 is Self Care Week?

What better time is there to ask yourself how your work/life balance is and how you are feeling generally?

It’s more important than ever to not only look after the needs of others, but also yourself.

Here are a few ideas that may be helpful.

Time out

Working from home can make it more difficult to achieve the right balance between office and home life.

Be sure to take your usual breaks such as lunchtimes, and don’t be tempted to fill this “down” time by trying to catch up on housework!

If the dining table is now doubling up as the desk, try to clear the area when you finish up for the week and reclaim the space for the weekend.

Be prepared

Good food feeds the brain.

Don’t be tempted to snack on high fat, sugary foods, as this won’t provide the right nutrients and energy to keep you going through the day.

Why not batch cook homemade soups for a quick and nutritious lunch? It’s a great way to pack in your five a day.

And be sure to have a ready supply of healthy snacks such as nuts and seeds, fruit and veg sticks, for when those hunger pangs do strike.

Go figure

Exercise is a great natural mood booster.

Whether it’s a brisk walk or a spot of Pilates or yoga, it is a great way to release those natural feel-good endorphins perfect for mind and body.

If your fitness levels are low, or you have an underlying health condition, then it’s best to start with a gentle approach.

A bit of shut-eye

The average adult should aim to get around seven to nine hours of sleep each night.

A good idea is to wind down before bedtime, switch off devices and ensure your bedroom is at a temperature comfortable for you.

It’s worth considering the tog rating of your duvet, too. Are you too warm or cold when your sleep is disturbed?

Avoid drinking anything with caffeine too close to bedtime, and try a spot of mindfulness as it can do wonders to help you nod off.

It’s good to talk

Although we may not be able to meet family and friends in person, it’s vital to stay connected.

Be sure to have regular phone catch ups, Facetime or Zoom chats. It does wonders for boosting the spirit.

Or why not put pen to paper for a bit of old-fashioned letter writing?

Mood-enhancing pastimes

All work and no play makes for a very dull life, so try to find time to do something mood enhancing and pleasurable.

It could be something as simple as taking time to listen to your favourite music, or having a long soak in the bath.

If you’re feeling restless, then why not while away free time with hobbies or uplifting reading?

I would recommend “The People’s Friend Feel-good Special 2020”. It’s out now and packed full of inspiration, from tasty recipe ideas through to making the most of nature.

You’ll also find puzzles and craft ideas and, of course, plenty of fabulous fiction.

For more health and wellbeing advice from “The People’s Friend”, click here.

For more on Self Care Week, click here.

Yvonne McKenzie

I work on the Features team and admit to being nosy, so I love looking after the Between Friends letters and finding out all about our lovely readers. I also look after our health copy and enjoy writing about inspiring people that help make the articles in the magazine so interesting.

Self Care Week: It’s All About You

Shutterstock / Evgeny Atamanenko © self care week

Did you know November 16-22 is Self Care Week?

What better time is there to ask yourself how your work/life balance is and how you are feeling generally?

It’s more important than ever to not only look after the needs of others, but also yourself.

Here are a few ideas that may be helpful.

Time out

Working from home can make it more difficult to achieve the right balance between office and home life.

Be sure to take your usual breaks such as lunchtimes, and don’t be tempted to fill this “down” time by trying to catch up on housework!

If the dining table is now doubling up as the desk, try to clear the area when you finish up for the week and reclaim the space for the weekend.

Be prepared

Good food feeds the brain.

Don’t be tempted to snack on high fat, sugary foods, as this won’t provide the right nutrients and energy to keep you going through the day.

Why not batch cook homemade soups for a quick and nutritious lunch? It’s a great way to pack in your five a day.

And be sure to have a ready supply of healthy snacks such as nuts and seeds, fruit and veg sticks, for when those hunger pangs do strike.

Go figure

Exercise is a great natural mood booster.

Whether it’s a brisk walk or a spot of Pilates or yoga, it is a great way to release those natural feel-good endorphins perfect for mind and body.

If your fitness levels are low, or you have an underlying health condition, then it’s best to start with a gentle approach.

A bit of shut-eye

The average adult should aim to get around seven to nine hours of sleep each night.

A good idea is to wind down before bedtime, switch off devices and ensure your bedroom is at a temperature comfortable for you.

It’s worth considering the tog rating of your duvet, too. Are you too warm or cold when your sleep is disturbed?

Avoid drinking anything with caffeine too close to bedtime, and try a spot of mindfulness as it can do wonders to help you nod off.

It’s good to talk

Although we may not be able to meet family and friends in person, it’s vital to stay connected.

Be sure to have regular phone catch ups, Facetime or Zoom chats. It does wonders for boosting the spirit.

Or why not put pen to paper for a bit of old-fashioned letter writing?

Mood-enhancing pastimes

All work and no play makes for a very dull life, so try to find time to do something mood enhancing and pleasurable.

It could be something as simple as taking time to listen to your favourite music, or having a long soak in the bath.

If you’re feeling restless, then why not while away free time with hobbies or uplifting reading?

I would recommend “The People’s Friend Feel-good Special 2020”. It’s out now and packed full of inspiration, from tasty recipe ideas through to making the most of nature.

You’ll also find puzzles and craft ideas and, of course, plenty of fabulous fiction.

For more health and wellbeing advice from “The People’s Friend”, click here.

For more on Self Care Week, click here.


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