Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Awareness Week

From May 13-19, the UK will mark Mental Health Awareness Week.

Conceived in 2001, the initiative aims to help end the stigma around mental health problems and raise awareness of the support available for those who might be struggling.

Previous iterations have raised the profile of topics including stress, relationships, loneliness, sleep, alcohol and friendship.

Mental Health Awareness Week is coordinated by the Mental Health Foundation. The theme for this year is body image (#BeBodyKind) — how we think and feel about our bodies.

Recent research by polling firm YouGov has revealed that one in five adults have felt shame because of their body image in the last year. Just over one third felt down about it, and nearly one fifth experienced feelings of disgust.

One in eight adults experienced suicidal thoughts or feelings because of concerns over their body image.

Crucially, these issues can affect all of us at any age.

That’s why the Foundation is asking everyone to get involved. Even if it’s just by taking the time to chat to a friend, colleague or family member who might be in need, every little act can make a big difference.

The “Friend” has always taken a keen interest in helping our readers maintain good mental health.

Check out our top tips here. We’ll be publishing more advice as the week goes on.

Iain McDonald

I am the Digital Content Editor at the “Friend”, making me responsible for managing the flow of interesting and entertaining content on the magazine’s website and social media channels.

Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Awareness Week

From May 13-19, the UK will mark Mental Health Awareness Week.

Conceived in 2001, the initiative aims to help end the stigma around mental health problems and raise awareness of the support available for those who might be struggling.

Previous iterations have raised the profile of topics including stress, relationships, loneliness, sleep, alcohol and friendship.

Mental Health Awareness Week is coordinated by the Mental Health Foundation. The theme for this year is body image (#BeBodyKind) — how we think and feel about our bodies.

Recent research by polling firm YouGov has revealed that one in five adults have felt shame because of their body image in the last year. Just over one third felt down about it, and nearly one fifth experienced feelings of disgust.

One in eight adults experienced suicidal thoughts or feelings because of concerns over their body image.

Crucially, these issues can affect all of us at any age.

That’s why the Foundation is asking everyone to get involved. Even if it’s just by taking the time to chat to a friend, colleague or family member who might be in need, every little act can make a big difference.

The “Friend” has always taken a keen interest in helping our readers maintain good mental health.

Check out our top tips here. We’ll be publishing more advice as the week goes on.


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