Editor’s Diary: Sustained By Soup

Shutterstock © sustained by soup

The Editor’s Diary this week sees Angela sustained by soup!

What are you having for lunch today?

The reason I ask is because I know what I’m having for lunch every day – soup and a sandwich! It’s a habit I’ve fallen into since the first lockdown – and it suits me!

Now you might think it sounds a bit boring to eat the same lunch every day. But actually, I don’t.

Follow The Rules!

Let me explain, as there are a few self-imposed rules.

  1. The soup is always home-made.
  2. Never make the same soup recipe twice in a row (important for nutritional variety).
  3. As above for the sandwich! Vary the bread, and the filling: toast it sometimes, and opt for a roll or wrap every now and again.

There are many advantages to my lunchtime philosophy. Soup is easy and cheap to make, especially if, like me, you’re vegetarian.

Home-made soup is highly nutritious – no danger of falling short of your 5-a-day! It’s also warming, filling and a great way to cut food waste as pretty much any slightly sad-looking vegetable can make a mighty fine pot of soup.

To prove it, here’s my mum’s recipe for the soup I ate throughout my childhood. Known in my family simply as “tattie soup”, it transforms the humblest ingredients into a meal fit for a king.

sustained by soup


Tattie Soup

  • 1 onion, chopped finely
  • 1 large carrot, grated
  • 1 lb leeks, chopped finely
  • 2 lbs potatoes, half diced very small and the rest cut into larger chunks
  • 4 vegetable stock cubes
  • 2 litres of water
  • Salt and pepper

Chuck it all in a big pot, bring to the boil, simmer for an hour (don’t skimp on the cooking time) and enjoy!

Like so many soups, it’s even better the next day – that’s if there’s any left!

You’ll find more great recipes from the “Friend” here.


Angela Gilchrist

I am the former Editor-in-Chief of “The People’s Friend” magazine. My passions include cats, Highland ponies, good books, vegetarian food and long walks in the Scottish countryside. My favourite place to get away from it all is the magical Isle of Skye.

Editor’s Diary: Sustained By Soup

Shutterstock © sustained by soup

The Editor’s Diary this week sees Angela sustained by soup!

What are you having for lunch today?

The reason I ask is because I know what I’m having for lunch every day – soup and a sandwich! It’s a habit I’ve fallen into since the first lockdown – and it suits me!

Now you might think it sounds a bit boring to eat the same lunch every day. But actually, I don’t.

Follow The Rules!

Let me explain, as there are a few self-imposed rules.

  1. The soup is always home-made.
  2. Never make the same soup recipe twice in a row (important for nutritional variety).
  3. As above for the sandwich! Vary the bread, and the filling: toast it sometimes, and opt for a roll or wrap every now and again.

There are many advantages to my lunchtime philosophy. Soup is easy and cheap to make, especially if, like me, you’re vegetarian.

Home-made soup is highly nutritious – no danger of falling short of your 5-a-day! It’s also warming, filling and a great way to cut food waste as pretty much any slightly sad-looking vegetable can make a mighty fine pot of soup.

To prove it, here’s my mum’s recipe for the soup I ate throughout my childhood. Known in my family simply as “tattie soup”, it transforms the humblest ingredients into a meal fit for a king.

sustained by soup


Tattie Soup

  • 1 onion, chopped finely
  • 1 large carrot, grated
  • 1 lb leeks, chopped finely
  • 2 lbs potatoes, half diced very small and the rest cut into larger chunks
  • 4 vegetable stock cubes
  • 2 litres of water
  • Salt and pepper

Chuck it all in a big pot, bring to the boil, simmer for an hour (don’t skimp on the cooking time) and enjoy!

Like so many soups, it’s even better the next day – that’s if there’s any left!

You’ll find more great recipes from the “Friend” here.



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