Editor’s Diary: Seeing Things Differently

seeing things differently

We’re seeing things differently in this week’s Editor’s Diary.

No, not you and I This is all about how two people can see a problem — and its solution! — in totally opposite ways.

Mr PF Editor and I have recently each made a sizeable purchase. And the reason for doing so was basically the same . . . Eyesight!

Lockdowns and restrictions have meant I haven’t visited my optician for quite some time. And I have become increasingly aware over the past few months that my vision may not be as sharp as I would like.

I’m blaming 14 months of working on a laptop, of course. Nothing whatsoever to do with advancing years . . .

I’ve been short-sighted for all my adult life, and for most of the time I wear contact lenses. My prescription for those is pretty up to date.

But in the evenings, I like to take my contacts out and relax in my specs instead.

And those are not so up to date.

In fact, the last time I had a new pair was 2014! So it’s little wonder I’m struggling to read listings and sub-titles on the TV with them.

Mr PF Editor has also been experiencing this sort of difficulty lately. He, too, is short-sighted and wears specs all the time.

My solution was to pay a visit to my lovely optician and splash out quite a bit of cash on a very nice new pair of specs, which restore my vision to as close to 20/20 as it is possible to get.

And his? Why, to order a new, much bigger, all-singing, all-dancing television, of course!

Something he’s been hankering after for years but couldn’t really justify when our old but still functional TV was perfectly adequate.

New specs AND a bigger screen – now I just need to find something I want to watch!

For more from Angela’s Editor’s Diary, click the tag below.

We’re a big fan of seeing things differently here at the “Friend”. It’s a great source of writing inspiration! If you’re looking for some inspiration, click here.

Angela Gilchrist

I am the former Editor-in-Chief of “The People’s Friend” magazine. My passions include cats, Highland ponies, good books, vegetarian food and long walks in the Scottish countryside. My favourite place to get away from it all is the magical Isle of Skye.

Editor’s Diary: Seeing Things Differently

seeing things differently

We’re seeing things differently in this week’s Editor’s Diary.

No, not you and I This is all about how two people can see a problem — and its solution! — in totally opposite ways.

Mr PF Editor and I have recently each made a sizeable purchase. And the reason for doing so was basically the same . . . Eyesight!

Lockdowns and restrictions have meant I haven’t visited my optician for quite some time. And I have become increasingly aware over the past few months that my vision may not be as sharp as I would like.

I’m blaming 14 months of working on a laptop, of course. Nothing whatsoever to do with advancing years . . .

I’ve been short-sighted for all my adult life, and for most of the time I wear contact lenses. My prescription for those is pretty up to date.

But in the evenings, I like to take my contacts out and relax in my specs instead.

And those are not so up to date.

In fact, the last time I had a new pair was 2014! So it’s little wonder I’m struggling to read listings and sub-titles on the TV with them.

Mr PF Editor has also been experiencing this sort of difficulty lately. He, too, is short-sighted and wears specs all the time.

My solution was to pay a visit to my lovely optician and splash out quite a bit of cash on a very nice new pair of specs, which restore my vision to as close to 20/20 as it is possible to get.

And his? Why, to order a new, much bigger, all-singing, all-dancing television, of course!

Something he’s been hankering after for years but couldn’t really justify when our old but still functional TV was perfectly adequate.

New specs AND a bigger screen – now I just need to find something I want to watch!

For more from Angela’s Editor’s Diary, click the tag below.

We’re a big fan of seeing things differently here at the “Friend”. It’s a great source of writing inspiration! If you’re looking for some inspiration, click here.


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