Painting Stones Mandala: How To
Difficulty: Easy
We have a painting activity for you this week from Search Press. Create a tranquil mandala following our simple steps.
Our bright mandala was created by the designer to represent peace.
It is easy to make and we have included step-by-step instructions for you to follow.
You will need a selection of good quality acrylic paints and varnishes as well as a selection of paint brushes and cocktail sticks (for the tiny dots).
Most important of all, you will need a suitable smooth, clean stone.

Provided by Search Press.
We have graded this an easy design. Getting the right size of dot might take a little practice but that is easy to do on a spare stone or thick cardboard.
The design comes from the book, “Painting Stones” by Marion Kaiser, published at the end of June by Search Press. We have a special post-free offer in the magazine if you would like to pre-order a copy.
The author and creator of this design, Marion Kaiser writes about it: “As I paint, I enter a state of tranquillity, which develops as I work and endures when I contemplate the finished stone.”

Provided by Search Press.
A great way to relax from every day stresses.
Send in yours!
The People’s Friend team want to see your creations. Send them to peoplesfriend@dctmedia.co.uk for a chance to be shared on social media or in the magazine!
Find the full instructions in our June 18, 2022 issue of “The People’s Friend”. On sale this Wednesday!
Plus, for more crafts, visit our Craft section. Or you can subscribe to “The People’s Friend” here, to make sure you’ll never miss another one of our great patterns and projects.