Love Darg 2021: Cat Comforter Instructions

love darg 2021

Interested in supporting our Love Darg 2021 appeal? Why not knit or crochet squares for blankets and comforters to help cats in the care of Cats Protection!

This year, we have three options for you to make:

  • The first is a simple square measuring 25 cm x 25 cm. These are used as comforters for the cats and go with them to their new homes. It is a simple but familiar thing for the cat to have nearby, and Cats Protection need a plentiful supply.
  • The second is a blanket to use in carrier baskets. These are made of six 25 cm x 25 cm squares, two rows of three squares sewn or crocheted together
  • Thirdly, the charity would like big blankets for cat hides. These consist of twenty 25 cm x 25 cm squares, five rows of four squares sewn or crocheted together.

To make

  • You can work the squares in any combination of stitches you want but avoid loose stitches worked on extra-large needles.
  • If you are working in double knitting yarn, check the tension guide on the ball-band. As a rough guide, a double knitting square will take about 55/56 stitches and around 70 rows using 4 mm knitting needles.
  • A square worked in a chunky yarn will be around 34/35 stitches and around 32 rows using 6.5 mm needles. Again be guided by the tension information on the ball-band.
  • Squares can be worked in any combination of close stitches such as stocking-stitch, garter-stitch, wide ribs, moss stitch, basketweave stitch or a mix of various stitches.
  • Mix and match solid and variegated colours as you please but if you are working a blanket, it is important to make all the squares the same size so use your first square as a template. We strongly recommend you use the same weight of yarn for each blanket, rather than mix weights.
  • This is a great way to use up oddments of yarn. As these are practical items and likely to get dirty, make sure you use yarns that will wash in a washing machine.
  • If you want to crochet a blanket, we recommend working in double crochet to create a firm, solid fabric. If you are joining crochet squares, either join with a chain stitch or sew together.
  • Ensure you neatly sew in and snip all ends.

Important note

Do not use stretchy yarn, yarns that split easily, very fluffy yarns or yarns with sequins or beads. Use stitches that create a firm fabric, avoid loose weave and drop stitches and don’t use very large needles.

Make sure all stitching is very secure, sewing in all ends. Cats Protection also suggests that cat owners regularly inspect their own cat toys and blankets for signs of wear or damage and recommends not leaving cats unattended with knitted toys.

Do not use knitted toys or comforters with cats that have wool-chewing habits.

How to donate

Please drop off or post your Love Darg 2021 make at one of Cats Protection’s adoption centres or charity shops.

You can find your nearest adoption centre or shop by clicking here, or by calling the National Information Line on 03000 121212.

Please note – addresses will only show online for our adoption centre and shop locations.

You can also post your makes to:

Cats Protection Love Darg Campaign
National Cat Centre
Lewes Road
Chelwood Gate
Haywards Heath
RH17 7TT

All donations will be very gratefully received. Cats Protection will use your donations for cats in their care, or to help raise funds.

Please note that it will not be possible to acknowledge these donations.

If you would like to donate money to help with the work of Cats Protection, you can send a cheque to

Cats Protection Love Darg Campaign
National Cat Centre
Lewes Road
Chelwood Gate
Haywards Heath
RH17 7TT

Please make the cheque payable to Cats Protection and write “The People’s Friend” on the back of your cheque.

Please do not send cash.

You can also donate at the Cats Protection website by clicking here. Alternatively, you can make a donation over the phone by calling 0800 917 2287 (office hours, Monday to Friday) and quoting “The People’s Friend” Love Darg Campaign.

Thank you for your support!

For more information on our Love Darg 2021, click here.


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