Knit-A-Square In Our Summer Special


Fans of the “Friend” will know that we have a long history of supporting charities around the world.

Our Hand Of Friendship campaign alone has raised the profile of charities like the Winnie Mabaso Foundation, Greenfingers Charity and Contact The Elderly, and our readers have really excelled themselves raising funds however they can.

In our latest Summer Special — on sale now — we’re combining our love of pioneering charities with our love of a good craft project to shine a spotlight on Knit-A-Square.

The charity, which dubs its members “the warmest crafters on Earth”, was conceived to help orphaned and vulnerable children in South Africa by providing much-needed blankets during the winter months.

Knit-A-Square asks contributors to knit one simple square each, which will then be sewn together to make blankets for children. They can also knit mittens or teddy bears.

Even after eleven years, the charity is still going from strength to strength. It boasts contributors from around 70 countries worldwide, and to date has distributed around 90,000 blankets.

“Our contributors keep us going,” founder Rhonda Lowrie says. “Not only with squares, but also with donations. We couldn’t do it without them. I think they love the project because it has warmth and it’s quite personal.”

Pick up a copy of our Summer Special today to read more about Knit-A-Square.

To sign up or to donate, visit


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