Are you Rocking This New Craft Trend?

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There’s a new craft on the scene that will ‘rock’ old favourites.

For years, drawing, painting and knitting have been the go-to hobbies and crafts, but Artline have identified a new trend! Artline Rocks are sweeping the nation.

Rock Painting is a craft that sees artists, young and old, round pebbles (or rocks as the name suggests) creating unique designs on them. Then, they hide them for others and that treasure hunter posts the design on social media for the world to see. Imagine it as an arty treasure hunt!

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So where to begin?

Firstly, grab a selection of rocks. You can pick them up naturally from a local beach or, if you don’t fancy the winter wind, your local craft or bargain store will stock pebbles. They don’t have to be a certain shape, style or weight, any pebble will do.

The bigger the pebble, the bolder the artwork!

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Begin by using an Artline Poster Marker to coat your pebble in either white or black. This will give you a solid base to work from and add your design too. A black base will give you a solid colour to let lighter colours pop, but if you’re working with darker shades, start with a white background.

Leave this to dry for at least an hour. Don’t worry if certain areas aren’t covered, you can always add an extra layer of white to cover any area that is still showing.

You can always add black detailing later with an Artline 853 OHP Marker – not its traditional use, but a great fine point pen for outlining!

Then begin designing. As your pebble has a solid coat underneath, all Artline products can be added on top.

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Messages on a Pebble

Why not write a love note with Artline’s Calligraphy pen? It’s a great replacement for a birthday card and is a perfect keepsake. Smaller pebbles could also be put on a chain or in a locket!

Or, if you’re looking for garden ornaments, why not create some new look garden ornaments? These pens are also great if you’d like to design your own garden gnome!

Bigger, bolder designs can be created with the Artline Paint Marker, creating a gleam-free, bold design with a pigment that flows like a paint! These are also great replacements for the Poster Markers, to create your backdrop!

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Great for Grand-kids

So whatever your style, Artline can make use of the grand kid’s pebbles collected from the beach and make them into artwork!

Don’t forget to share your rock paintings via #ArtlineRocks and begin the hunt for others in your local area!

Have you seen any of these pebbles? Let us know on Facebook or Twitter 


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