A Year Of Puzzles With The People’s Friend

Now that the Christmas rush and bustle is over… or nearly over, at any rate… our thoughts are turning to the long wintry evenings after the festive period is over. We’ve grown to look forward to this quieter time of year, as it’s just ideal to catch up on our reading and to indulge in some favourite hobbies we may have neglected a little due to December’s festivities.

That’s why we were delighted with our new Puzzle Pack – a great combination of The People’s Friend Annual, the Year of Crosswords book and the Year of Codewords book, all in one money-saving pack!

Our puzzle books are extremely popular with readers, as they provide a new puzzle for every day of the year – which all adds up to many hours of entertainment. When coupled with The People’s Friend Annual they make a great gift for a friend or loved one who is a fan of brain-teasers! Or a great treat for anyone who finds a puzzle over a cup of tea is just their cup of tea.

Priced at only £10 including UK delivery, we know this new pack is just the solution you’re looking for when puzzling out how to keep entertained during January’s cold, dark winter evenings.

The People’s Friend Puzzle Pack is available in our online shop!



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