Win A Copy Of “Nettie’s Secret” by Dilly Court

Dilly Court

“Nettie’s Secret” is the new book from Dilly Court, the UK’s No.1 saga author.

As the wind whipped around her, dragging strands of hair from beneath her bonnet and tugging at her skirt, Nettie left behind the only home she’d ever known . . .

London, 1875. Taking one last look around her little room in Covent Garden, Nettie Carroll couldn’t believe she wouldn’t even be able to say goodbye to her friends. Her father had trusted the wrong man, and now they would have to go on the run. Once again.

Dilly’s new novel is out now, but here at the “Friend” we want to give you the chance to win your very own copy.

We have five to give away. To be in with a chance of winning, simply answer the following question:

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If you’re choosing your next book and looking for inspiration, why not check out our book reviews?

Yvonne McKenzie

I work on the Features team and admit to being nosy, so I love looking after the Between Friends letters and finding out all about our lovely readers. I also look after our health copy and enjoy writing about inspiring people that help make the articles in the magazine so interesting.

Win A Copy Of “Nettie’s Secret” by Dilly Court

Dilly Court

“Nettie’s Secret” is the new book from Dilly Court, the UK’s No.1 saga author.

As the wind whipped around her, dragging strands of hair from beneath her bonnet and tugging at her skirt, Nettie left behind the only home she’d ever known . . .

London, 1875. Taking one last look around her little room in Covent Garden, Nettie Carroll couldn’t believe she wouldn’t even be able to say goodbye to her friends. Her father had trusted the wrong man, and now they would have to go on the run. Once again.

Dilly’s new novel is out now, but here at the “Friend” we want to give you the chance to win your very own copy.

We have five to give away. To be in with a chance of winning, simply answer the following question:

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If you’re choosing your next book and looking for inspiration, why not check out our book reviews?


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