National Libraries Week

Between the 8th and 13th of October, Libraries Week will celebrate our nation’s much-loved libraries. This year’s focus is on wellbeing, and libraries across the UK will be showcasing their ability to bring people and communities together and combat loneliness, as well as providing space for reading and creativity.


It’s a week to celebrate all libraries – in schools, workplaces, and universities, as well as our much-loved public libraries. Libraries provide a quiet space to read, and bring people together through book groups, baby and toddler groups, and homework clubs. As well as providing free access to books and reading, they offer free internet access, and a space for message boards and community information.


Over 1,000 libraries will be organising events and activities this week – pop into your local library for information on what’s on near you.



Library Facts and Figures


Did you know…

  • *Reading for pleasure has been linked to a reduction in stress, the symptoms of depression, and the risk of developing dementia in later life.
  • *Being a regular library user is associated with good general health. It’s estimated that library engagement saves the NHS just under £30 million a year!
  • *76% of adults say reading improves their life and the same number says it helps them feel good.
  • *Research indicates that reading fiction leads to improved levels of empathy and better relationships.
  • *Library users are happier and have a higher life satisfaction and sense of purpose in life.


Love libraries? Find out more at

Lucy Crichton

Better known as “Fiction Editor Lucy”, I am always on the look-out for the very best short stories, poems and pocket novels. As well as sourcing enjoyable content, I enjoy working with our established contributors, encouraging new talent, and celebrating 155 years of “Friend” fiction!

National Libraries Week

Between the 8th and 13th of October, Libraries Week will celebrate our nation’s much-loved libraries. This year’s focus is on wellbeing, and libraries across the UK will be showcasing their ability to bring people and communities together and combat loneliness, as well as providing space for reading and creativity.


It’s a week to celebrate all libraries – in schools, workplaces, and universities, as well as our much-loved public libraries. Libraries provide a quiet space to read, and bring people together through book groups, baby and toddler groups, and homework clubs. As well as providing free access to books and reading, they offer free internet access, and a space for message boards and community information.


Over 1,000 libraries will be organising events and activities this week – pop into your local library for information on what’s on near you.



Library Facts and Figures


Did you know…

  • *Reading for pleasure has been linked to a reduction in stress, the symptoms of depression, and the risk of developing dementia in later life.
  • *Being a regular library user is associated with good general health. It’s estimated that library engagement saves the NHS just under £30 million a year!
  • *76% of adults say reading improves their life and the same number says it helps them feel good.
  • *Research indicates that reading fiction leads to improved levels of empathy and better relationships.
  • *Library users are happier and have a higher life satisfaction and sense of purpose in life.


Love libraries? Find out more at


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