Interviewing people isn’t always easy, but it is always interesting.
I’ve had interviewees who’ve been talking on their mobiles in basements, where we’ve lost half of the conversation to bad signal. I’ve had folk who interview while walking, leaving them a bit breathless and making some of the chat disappear in a deep draw of air.
But invariably these people feel strongly about the subject we’re discussing, and talking about people’s passions is always absorbing and inspiring.
The story of Ishbel Holmes
I spoke to Ishbel Holmes recently, a lady who had a tough upbringing but found a passion for cycling. Through this, she came across a dog who changed her life. The story of Ishbel and Lucy (the dog) will be in our August 25 issue – I hope you’ll pick up a copy and give it a read!
Lucy was a street dog in Turkey and attached herself to Ishbel. Ishbel was well aware that she would encounter animals in need and knew that she shouldn’t get involved, but there was something about Lucy.
The bond they formed was incredible – whenever they stopped for food or water, Lucy would abandon her trailer and run into the nearest field. She was scared of people, but Ishbel soon learned that the second she came back out of the shop or cafe and began cycling, Lucy would bolt out of her hiding place and hop back into her trailer! Her trust in Ishbel was without question.
Plus the bit where she describes how she thought Lucy’s tail was broken, because it was permanently down between her legs, and then the day a few weeks later where she first saw it spring up and start wagging…
Brings a little lump to the throat.