Have You Got Cash In The Attic?

Have you ever watched TV programmes like the “Antiques Roadshow” or “Cash In The Attic”, and wondered how valuable objects can remain hidden for so long before their owners realise their true worth?

Well, I’m not saying that I’m going to book a cruise from the find that I – or rather my other half – found, while rooting around for Christmas decorations in our loft. In fact, the goodies uncovered don’t even belong to us, but rather a previous owner of our home.

Mysterious Plastic Bag

Now, the really weird thing is, I’ve lived in this house for more than 20 years and there’s barely anything kept in the attic, other than Christmas decorations and old vinyl records. However, literally within an arms-length of the hatch being opened was a plastic bag which contained a collection of signed photographs and letters addressed to a “Lesley” from none other than “Allo’ Allo’ ” star Gordon Kaye. Lesley had obviously been a big fan of the show as there was also a print signed by the entire cast. Signed “Phantom of the Opera” paraphernalia was also among the find.

We’ve never set eyes upon this before and it seems incredible when it was literally within touching distance. I’m going to try to do a bit of digging to see if I can locate Lesley and reunite her with her belongings.

Trip Down Memory Lane

Meanwhile, talk about serendipity, my parents were clearing out their loft some months ago and we acquired their old record player . . . suddenly, our plans for a productive afternoon went out the window as we brought the old vinyl records down from the loft and aired them for the first time in years. It’s amazing the memories the tunes conjure up.

If you fancy taking a trip down memory lane, our “150 Year Special Anniversary Collector’s Edition” will help you do just that. Of course, we go much farther back in time than even our most loyal readers will remember, but that’s what makes the journey all the more magical. It’s a glimpse into another time and age, through the eyes of the “Friend”.

You can buy your copy at www.dcthomsonshop.co.uk/the-people-s-friend-150th-anniversary-special

150th anniversary special collectors editor



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