Hand Of Friendship: Appreciation For The Book Bus

the book bus

In 2019, our flagship Hand Of Friendship campaign will support the Book Bus, a charity that encourages and supports child literacy.

Here, we learn a little about the impact the charity’s work has had in Zambia.

the book bus

Photograph by Adam Dickens.

Thanks from a teacher

Mrs Mytoya Maggie Kolala us a teacher at Rokana School, Kitwe, Zambia.

“You can see the enthusiasm from the children when they see the Book Bus; they are so happy, and when they come back they also want to try their best in reading and make the best of those books.

“It’s a very, very good programme. We appreciate it a lot. And the team are very accommodating; they have patience.”

the book bus

Photograph by Adam Dickens.

An avid reader

Atupere Sani is fourteen years old, and the first-born in a family of four children.

She was in primary school when she first saw the Book Bus.

Atupere is now an avid reader, and has recently started secondary school.

“I love reading books, and as of now I have read forty plus books.

“When I joined the Book Bus library I was shy and couldn’t read, but here I am, loving reading.”

Adopt A Book Bus

You can adopt one of the charity’s buses for yourself, or as a gift for a book lover, from as little as £5 a month for 12 months.

Your gift will mean a new generation of children can be introduced to the wonders of reading.

You can find out more about the fleet by by clicking here.

Follow the link, decide which bus you’d like to fund and click through to complete your adoption, and you will receive an adoption pack.

What is in your adoption pack?

  • A beautiful adoption certificate illustrated by Sir Quentin Blake
  • A special “hello” from your adopted bus
  • More information about the work of the buses in Ecuador, Malawi and Zambia

Make a donation

If you would like to send a donation by post, please make your cheque payable to the Book Bus Foundation and send it to: The Book Bus Foundation, 11 The Orchard, Montpelier Road, London, W5 2QW.

You can contact the charity with any queries by telephone on 020 8099 9280, or by email to info@thebookbus.org.

For more about the Book Bus, click the tag below.


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