Grammar Guru: Books About Words

Grammar Guru

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that we’re a fan of books about words here at “The People’s Friend” Grammar Guru.

The English language is a many-splendoured thing, and no one online guide (like this one, for instance, or the superb Grammar Girl) is likely to cover everything you need or want to know.

That’s why the release of a new book on the subject is a cause for excitement.

Well, for us at least.

Enter “Grammar Geek” and “Word Nerd” by author Michael Powell.

Grammar Guru

Photograph by Iain McDonald.

These handy little books are packed full of fascinating facts and grammatical guidelines. They’re guaranteed to please anyone with a more than a passing interest in the art of the writing.

If you’re equally at home delving into the definition of a zeugma and all the nuances of initial capital letters, you’ll have great fun with these books.

“Word Nerd’s” list of the ten most overused and useless English phrases was a particular highlight. Especially considering the number of times they are used in the “Friend” office!

Plus, the book gets a bonus point for including the Scots word “dreich”, meaning bleak or dull weather.

The pink-on-black colour scheme of “Grammar Geek” is probably a little more challenging than it strictly needs to be, but its contents are definitely worth the occasional squint.

Go out and pick up your copies today. In no time at all, you’ll be ready to enlighten/entertain/drive off the guests at your next family gathering.

“Grammar Geek” and “Word Nerd” by Michael Powell are published by Cassell and each is priced at £8.99.

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