Our Tracey And The Need To Read

Shutterstock / morrowlight © read

I love to read. My life is basically one big bookcase.

As far back as I can remember I’ve been obsessed with reading, and have found it a constant and a comfort throughout my life.

What better job than to work on the Fiction desk at the “Friend”, then?

It’s a dream come true!

Reading has too many advantages to list, but some interesting facts are:

  • Reading can reduce stress to up to 68%
  • The most read book in the UK is “The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe”
  • Abibliophobia is the fear of not having a book to read!
  • Bibliosmia is loving the smell of books

“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.” – C.S. Lewis

I always know the next three books I’m going to read . . . and yes, it literally is a TBR pile . . . except I place my unread books on their side rather than upright!

Strange, but it’s just a habit that I got into.

Another habit, which is quite common, is keeping a note of every book I read. I’ve been doing this since 1994, and it’s much better than a diary.

I can flick back and certain books will remind me of a particular time in my life. It also shows me how my reading habits have changed over the years.

Young children and peace to read don’t go hand to hand, so I tended to read thrillers and crime stories when my kids were toddlers. I only really managed a chapter a night before exhaustion took over.

As you get older, your memory isn’t quite what it used to be. So keeping a note of what you’ve read stops you buying the same book twice.

I actually did this once, but it was because the publisher had re-released it with a different title! I thought I’d developed a super power!

“Books are a uniquely portable magic.” – Stephen King

Keeping a list also a great way to give recommendations when someone asks you for a good book to take on holiday. A quick flick through my little notebook and a list of titles are happily given.

The “Friend” team are avid readers, and we’re always chatting about what books we have on the go.

In these current times escaping into the pages of a book seems like a bit of a life-saver, to be honest.

For book recommendations from the “Friend” team, click here.

Tracey Steel

Having worked on a number of magazines over the years, I have found my perfect place on the “Friend” as I’m obsessed with reading and never go anywhere without a book! I read all of our stories with a mug of tea close by and usually a bit of strong cheese too!

Our Tracey And The Need To Read

Shutterstock / morrowlight © read

I love to read. My life is basically one big bookcase.

As far back as I can remember I’ve been obsessed with reading, and have found it a constant and a comfort throughout my life.

What better job than to work on the Fiction desk at the “Friend”, then?

It’s a dream come true!

Reading has too many advantages to list, but some interesting facts are:

  • Reading can reduce stress to up to 68%
  • The most read book in the UK is “The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe”
  • Abibliophobia is the fear of not having a book to read!
  • Bibliosmia is loving the smell of books

“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.” – C.S. Lewis

I always know the next three books I’m going to read . . . and yes, it literally is a TBR pile . . . except I place my unread books on their side rather than upright!

Strange, but it’s just a habit that I got into.

Another habit, which is quite common, is keeping a note of every book I read. I’ve been doing this since 1994, and it’s much better than a diary.

I can flick back and certain books will remind me of a particular time in my life. It also shows me how my reading habits have changed over the years.

Young children and peace to read don’t go hand to hand, so I tended to read thrillers and crime stories when my kids were toddlers. I only really managed a chapter a night before exhaustion took over.

As you get older, your memory isn’t quite what it used to be. So keeping a note of what you’ve read stops you buying the same book twice.

I actually did this once, but it was because the publisher had re-released it with a different title! I thought I’d developed a super power!

“Books are a uniquely portable magic.” – Stephen King

Keeping a list also a great way to give recommendations when someone asks you for a good book to take on holiday. A quick flick through my little notebook and a list of titles are happily given.

The “Friend” team are avid readers, and we’re always chatting about what books we have on the go.

In these current times escaping into the pages of a book seems like a bit of a life-saver, to be honest.

For book recommendations from the “Friend” team, click here.


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