The Farmer And His Wife Volume 2 Is Here


When we published the first collection of The Farmer And His Wife stories last year, there was so much demand from eager readers that we had to arrange a reprint after just two weeks! Although we knew that this wonderful series of stories had a devoted following, we were still astonished by just how popular the first volume of stories proved to be. Since then we’ve received many phone calls and letters from our readers, asking if – or simply when! – a follow-up volume would be available.


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Ten months on and here it is – the eagerly awaited second volume of tales of John and Anne Taylor from the area of Fife known as the Riggin.

The first story of this long-running series, accompanied by original colour illustrations, appeared in the “Friend” in 1981, and “The Farmer And His Wife” quickly became a perennial favourite. Readers fell in love with the Taylors and their assorted animals, their quiet life filled with work and simple joys, where the rhythm is determined by the changing seasons and the weather.


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We think it’s wonderful that these stories still resonate with our readers today, and by compiling some of the series into lovely paperback books, we’re hopefully introducing the Taylors to a whole new audience as well!



The second collection seems to be very popular already with copies disappearing fast! You can order yours here.


Alex Corlett

I am the "Friend's" Features Editor, working with the talented Features Team to bring you everything from cryptic crosswords to financial advice, knitting patterns to international travel and inspirational real life stories. Always on the hunt for a new feature idea, I also enjoy cycling and love a good tea room.

The Farmer And His Wife Volume 2 Is Here


When we published the first collection of The Farmer And His Wife stories last year, there was so much demand from eager readers that we had to arrange a reprint after just two weeks! Although we knew that this wonderful series of stories had a devoted following, we were still astonished by just how popular the first volume of stories proved to be. Since then we’ve received many phone calls and letters from our readers, asking if – or simply when! – a follow-up volume would be available.


Grav_away from the riggin 3

Ten months on and here it is – the eagerly awaited second volume of tales of John and Anne Taylor from the area of Fife known as the Riggin.

The first story of this long-running series, accompanied by original colour illustrations, appeared in the “Friend” in 1981, and “The Farmer And His Wife” quickly became a perennial favourite. Readers fell in love with the Taylors and their assorted animals, their quiet life filled with work and simple joys, where the rhythm is determined by the changing seasons and the weather.


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We think it’s wonderful that these stories still resonate with our readers today, and by compiling some of the series into lovely paperback books, we’re hopefully introducing the Taylors to a whole new audience as well!



The second collection seems to be very popular already with copies disappearing fast! You can order yours here.



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