Editor’s Diary: Remembering Annie S. Swan

editor's diary

As we all know, this year has been very different from the norm. As I’ve shown in previous entries in my Editor’s Diary, we have all had to adapt and learn new ways of doing things.

Some changes have been more successful — and more welcome — than others.

But there is no doubt that pushing yourself out of your comfort zone can be a good thing!

This week, for example, I hosted my first ever virtual panel discussion. If, at the start of this year, you had told me I’d be doing such a thing, I wouldn’t have believed it.

And from my kitchen table, too!

The subject was legendary “Friend” writer Annie S. Swan, and the occasion was the publication of her book “The Inheritance”.

It’s part of “The People’s Friend” Classics Collection, and it’s the first time in 70 years that one of Annie’s novels has been in print.

My two fellow speakers, Professor Juliet Shields and Charlotte Lauder, are experts on Annie’s life and work, and her place in “Friend” history. No pressure there, then!

I had taken part in such events before, of course. But in person, not on video! And one of my guests was in America. How would that work with time lags and possible internet glitches?

Would there be awkward pauses, or people talking over each other? Would moggy Matilda cat-bomb the proceedings? (She has form!)

Thankfully, with advice and technical assistance from Digital Ed Iain and other helpful colleagues, we completed our mission!

If you want to know how it went, you can watch the video for yourself here.

Once the initial nerves settled, it was a fun experience — just like having a chat with friends.

And it certainly boosts your confidence to know you can learn a new way of doing things.

Though I’m not in any hurry to watch myself on playback!

For more from Angela’s Editor’s Diary, click the tag below.

Angela Gilchrist

I am the former Editor-in-Chief of “The People’s Friend” magazine. My passions include cats, Highland ponies, good books, vegetarian food and long walks in the Scottish countryside. My favourite place to get away from it all is the magical Isle of Skye.

Editor’s Diary: Remembering Annie S. Swan

editor's diary

As we all know, this year has been very different from the norm. As I’ve shown in previous entries in my Editor’s Diary, we have all had to adapt and learn new ways of doing things.

Some changes have been more successful — and more welcome — than others.

But there is no doubt that pushing yourself out of your comfort zone can be a good thing!

This week, for example, I hosted my first ever virtual panel discussion. If, at the start of this year, you had told me I’d be doing such a thing, I wouldn’t have believed it.

And from my kitchen table, too!

The subject was legendary “Friend” writer Annie S. Swan, and the occasion was the publication of her book “The Inheritance”.

It’s part of “The People’s Friend” Classics Collection, and it’s the first time in 70 years that one of Annie’s novels has been in print.

My two fellow speakers, Professor Juliet Shields and Charlotte Lauder, are experts on Annie’s life and work, and her place in “Friend” history. No pressure there, then!

I had taken part in such events before, of course. But in person, not on video! And one of my guests was in America. How would that work with time lags and possible internet glitches?

Would there be awkward pauses, or people talking over each other? Would moggy Matilda cat-bomb the proceedings? (She has form!)

Thankfully, with advice and technical assistance from Digital Ed Iain and other helpful colleagues, we completed our mission!

If you want to know how it went, you can watch the video for yourself here.

Once the initial nerves settled, it was a fun experience — just like having a chat with friends.

And it certainly boosts your confidence to know you can learn a new way of doing things.

Though I’m not in any hurry to watch myself on playback!

For more from Angela’s Editor’s Diary, click the tag below.


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