Editor’s Diary: Going By The Book

editors diary

As regular readers of this Editor’s Diary know, I’m a member of the DC Thomson Book Club.

We used to meet in person once a month, but since March, all our meetings have been virtual ones.

It’s not quite the same, but they’re still lots of fun. Discussions are always lively!

And it’s good to see on camera colleagues that I don’t work with too often.

Cats, dogs, doorbells and even Alexa devices frequently make themselves heard!

Our meeting for October took place last week.

The book we were discussing was “American Dirt” by Jeanine Cummins, which was the choice of Bette, who heads up our customer services team.

Some Book Clubbers liked it more than others, but we all agreed it was a powerful and often disturbing read.

The controversy that has surrounded it provoked plenty of debate, too.

My goodness, the pressure!

At the end of each meeting, the title of the next book is revealed. We drew lots at the start of the year to see whose choice would feature each month. So I had known my turn was coming for ages.

But my goodness, the pressure!

I normally have no problem whatsoever deciding what to read next. Trying to second-guess what will appeal to other people, though, is not so easy.

Especially as we are a group of varied and diverse tastes when it comes to reading material.

Would I go for a tried and tested old favourite? That seemed a safe bet — but what if nobody liked it? Would it spoil my future enjoyment of a much-loved book?

Something new, on the other hand, wouldn’t come with any sentimental attachment. But it would be a gamble.

No-one wants to choose a book they don’t even enjoy themselves!

In the end I went for a book I bought months ago, but which I haven’t yet got round to reading. It was met with interest and anticipation . . . so off to a good start!

I will let you know next month what the reaction was. The Book Clubbers are never less than frank and honest in their reviews!

And if you want to read along with us, the book I chose is “The Binding” by Bridget Collins.

For more from Angela’s Editor’s Diary, click the tag below.

Angela Gilchrist

I am the former Editor-in-Chief of “The People’s Friend” magazine. My passions include cats, Highland ponies, good books, vegetarian food and long walks in the Scottish countryside. My favourite place to get away from it all is the magical Isle of Skye.

Editor’s Diary: Going By The Book

editors diary

As regular readers of this Editor’s Diary know, I’m a member of the DC Thomson Book Club.

We used to meet in person once a month, but since March, all our meetings have been virtual ones.

It’s not quite the same, but they’re still lots of fun. Discussions are always lively!

And it’s good to see on camera colleagues that I don’t work with too often.

Cats, dogs, doorbells and even Alexa devices frequently make themselves heard!

Our meeting for October took place last week.

The book we were discussing was “American Dirt” by Jeanine Cummins, which was the choice of Bette, who heads up our customer services team.

Some Book Clubbers liked it more than others, but we all agreed it was a powerful and often disturbing read.

The controversy that has surrounded it provoked plenty of debate, too.

My goodness, the pressure!

At the end of each meeting, the title of the next book is revealed. We drew lots at the start of the year to see whose choice would feature each month. So I had known my turn was coming for ages.

But my goodness, the pressure!

I normally have no problem whatsoever deciding what to read next. Trying to second-guess what will appeal to other people, though, is not so easy.

Especially as we are a group of varied and diverse tastes when it comes to reading material.

Would I go for a tried and tested old favourite? That seemed a safe bet — but what if nobody liked it? Would it spoil my future enjoyment of a much-loved book?

Something new, on the other hand, wouldn’t come with any sentimental attachment. But it would be a gamble.

No-one wants to choose a book they don’t even enjoy themselves!

In the end I went for a book I bought months ago, but which I haven’t yet got round to reading. It was met with interest and anticipation . . . so off to a good start!

I will let you know next month what the reaction was. The Book Clubbers are never less than frank and honest in their reviews!

And if you want to read along with us, the book I chose is “The Binding” by Bridget Collins.

For more from Angela’s Editor’s Diary, click the tag below.


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