There’s good news to begin this Editor’s Diary!
After several wet and blustery weekends, the weather finally took a slight turn for the better! It was enough to let me blow away the cobwebs with a walk round one of my favourite places — Birnie Loch nature reserve in Fife.
This tranquil little haven is tucked away beside the busy A91 road. But it’s so well hidden that most drivers whizzing past have no idea what’s on the other side of that bank of roadside trees.
A well-made path takes walkers round the perimeters of Birnie and Gaddon Lochs. Wildlife abounds in the air and on the water, and birdsong fills the air. There are two wildlife hides in which you can sit and watch the waterfowl.

Photograph by Angela Gilchrist.
But as the picture above proves, you don’t need a hide in order to get close to nature! This little robin was happy to sit just inches away from me, and didn’t even flinch when I took my phone out of my pocket.
Birnie Loch is a great example of the transformational power of nature. Back in the 1990s, this whole area was a series of sand and gravel quarries. Since then, it has been restored to a beautiful woodland habitat that’s home to a wide range of species.
Another great Book Club meeting
I really enjoyed being outdoors after a busy week at work. We’ve been interviewing to fill two vacancies in the team, which has taken up a lot of my time.
But the good news is that we will shortly be welcoming our new colleagues. We’ll be introducing them soon!
I also greatly enjoyed the latest meeting of the DCT Media Book Club. Suffice to say that the book, “Daughter Of The Empire”, did not find universal favour with the group!
However, it was one of the most enjoyable and entertaining meetings we’ve ever had. And possibly the rowdiest . . .
Which just proves that no reading experience is ever a waste of time!
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