The week started with exciting news. The top-secret project we’d been working on for some time was complete and ready to be revealed.
For those of you who haven’t already heard, the reception area in our London Fleet Street office building has been transformed into “The People’s Friend” living-room to celebrate our 150th anniversary year. Visitors are welcome to call in, relax by the fire with a copy of the “Friend” and meet the office cat! Our super-talented Design Editor Jaclyn was involved in the design and it all looks wonderful. If you pop in, don’t forget to share your pictures with the hashtag #PF150.
This week also saw me attending, along with other editors from DC Thomson Media, a very interesting presentation given by the Press Association. It was held in the Vista Room, the stunning area on the top floor of our building that has magnificent views of Dundee.
The Book Club
I also went to a Book Club meeting one evening after work. Various colleagues from around the business who love books meet once a month to chat about our chosen title, and it’s always fun. This time, we were discussing J.M. Barrie’s “Peter Pan”, the children’s book we’d always wanted to read, but hadn’t.
I have to say that the majority, myself included, did not enjoy this one. I found it dark and creepy in places, with sinister undertones and behaviour that by modern standards would be inappropriate. But books that are disliked often provoke the best discussions!
We also chose our next title, “Every Light In The House Burnin’”, in tribute to the author Andrea Levy, who sadly passed away recently. I’ll let you know what I think of it once I’ve read it.
Catch up with the previous Editor’s Diaries.