Tracey’s Cold Comfort!

running woman

Modern-day challenges remind Tracey what others have been through.

We’re lucky enough to have Captain Scott’s Polar exploring ship the RSS Discovery on our doorstep here in Dundee, and as someone who is currently reading “An Empire Of Ice” by Edward J Larson and watching the rather chilling “The Terror” on TV, it’s truly inspiring and shocking just what these men went through in the name of exploration and science.

I find myself shivering and almost crying as I read the absolute hell and torture they endured, and even though many of them never made it home, they NEVER gave up. Often they went years without seeing their families and also had to cope with frostbite, scurvy, and starvation…and the relentless darkness and despair. Everything was a challenge from the moment they awoke.


My own personal challenge

When my good friend told me she was going to be taking part in a charity 6k assault course and asked me to join her for support and camaraderie, my first though was … EEK! Wading through rivers, climbing over walls, crawling through cargo nets…was she mad? But then I thought about the fact that if you don’t push yourself, you really don’t know what you’re capable of?

By no means am I comparing it to a turn of the century Polar expedition, but if it’s something that gets you out of your comfort zone for the greater good, then it becomes your very own epic journey! There won’t be frostbite and starvation, but there will be soggy trainers, scraped knees, sore muscles and a great feeling of pushing yourself to the limit and sticking together as a team.

I won’t have Huskies pulling me round, just my own determination and hopefully the encouragement of everyone willing to suffer a bit of indignity and discomfort for a good cause! I don’t expect a plaque commemorating my struggle, but hopefully lots of photos and memories!

Do you find yourself comparing what we go through to past times? Let us know in the comments section.


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Tracey Steel

Having worked on a number of magazines over the years, I have found my perfect place on the “Friend” as I’m obsessed with reading and never go anywhere without a book! I read all of our stories with a mug of tea close by and usually a bit of strong cheese too!

Tracey’s Cold Comfort!

running woman

Modern-day challenges remind Tracey what others have been through.

We’re lucky enough to have Captain Scott’s Polar exploring ship the RSS Discovery on our doorstep here in Dundee, and as someone who is currently reading “An Empire Of Ice” by Edward J Larson and watching the rather chilling “The Terror” on TV, it’s truly inspiring and shocking just what these men went through in the name of exploration and science.

I find myself shivering and almost crying as I read the absolute hell and torture they endured, and even though many of them never made it home, they NEVER gave up. Often they went years without seeing their families and also had to cope with frostbite, scurvy, and starvation…and the relentless darkness and despair. Everything was a challenge from the moment they awoke.


My own personal challenge

When my good friend told me she was going to be taking part in a charity 6k assault course and asked me to join her for support and camaraderie, my first though was … EEK! Wading through rivers, climbing over walls, crawling through cargo nets…was she mad? But then I thought about the fact that if you don’t push yourself, you really don’t know what you’re capable of?

By no means am I comparing it to a turn of the century Polar expedition, but if it’s something that gets you out of your comfort zone for the greater good, then it becomes your very own epic journey! There won’t be frostbite and starvation, but there will be soggy trainers, scraped knees, sore muscles and a great feeling of pushing yourself to the limit and sticking together as a team.

I won’t have Huskies pulling me round, just my own determination and hopefully the encouragement of everyone willing to suffer a bit of indignity and discomfort for a good cause! I don’t expect a plaque commemorating my struggle, but hopefully lots of photos and memories!

Do you find yourself comparing what we go through to past times? Let us know in the comments section.


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