I have just finished the last of “The Lindchester Chronicles”, a trilogy from author Catherine Fox.
Set in the fictional Diocese Of Lindchester, the three books (“Acts and Omissions”, “Unseen Things Above” and”Realms Of Glory”) follow the lives and loves of the bishops, archdeacons, clergy and choir folk. And their long-suffering families!
Each of the books is beautifully written, full of humour and pathos, and populated with completely relatable, imperfect characters.
If you are even remotely familiar with the Anglican church (and have a sense of humour), this trilogy will tickle your fancy.
Catherine once said her trilogy was based on “a lifetime of lurking in churches and cathedrals; of observing people and nature; of brooding and daydreaming.”
That sounds about right to me.
Catherine is a brilliant writer, and I absolutely love the world she has created in “The Lindchester Chronicles”.
I can’t wait to read the rest of her books.
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