A “People’s Friend” Subscription – A Great Value Gift Idea

Looking for a gift idea? Lucy’s been finding out about the benefits of a “People’s Friend” subscription – a perfect present. Why not treat yourself too?

It’s a great-value Christmas gift

A subscription to “The People’s Friend” is a lovely gift for anyone who likes feel-good fiction and features, cookery and crafts, gardening and health advice, travel, puzzles and more.  Looking for a gift you can post? “The People’s Friend” Subscription Gift Card is great value at £20 for 13 issues, or £30 for 20 issues. If your friend is already a subscriber, why not send a year of great reading with a subscription for our ever-popular Specials or Pocket Novels?

The gift that lasts all year

You can choose how long each subscription is for – six, 12, 24 or 36 months. And unlike other presents, your gift will last all year round.

Free delivery, direct to your door

Or why not treat yourself? With winter approaching, having your “Friend” delivered means no more heading out to the shops if you’d rather stay indoors. Delivery is free, direct to your door, in all weathers. Or enjoy instant access to the latest issue on your phone, tablet or PC with a Digital subscription.

Never miss an issue!

Subscribing is the perfect way to make sure you or a friend never miss an issue. Your copy will be delivered before it arrives in the shops. And we can deliver the “Friend” overseas, too, so why not send the “Friend” this Christmas?

Save money – and receive a free gift, too

Until 14 December, we’re offering new subscribers 13 issues for only £12. You’ll also receive a limited edition “People’s Friend” Tea for Two gift set to celebrate our 150th Anniversary! A subscription could save you money in future, too, by protecting against any future price rises.

It’s quick and easy to arrange

Setting up a subscription is quick and easy – just ring our helpful team on Freephone 0800 318 846, or go online at www.thepeoplesfriend.co.uk/pftea .


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