As it is International Women’s Day one book that is perfect to celebrate this important day is “100 Voices”.
And, as the title suggests, 100 women share their stories of achievement to bring a truly inspirational read. There’s a mixture of everything from memoir through to poetry.
The eclectic treasure trove edited by Miranda Roszkowski is a true celebration of women’s achievements. Contributors include playwright in residence at the Globe Theatre Sabrina Mahfouz. She says (having overcome her own fears to achieve success): “I would really encourage anybody who has that creative, artistic urge inside them to do something scary and unknowable to at least give it a go”. Through to disability campaigner Isabelle Clement, director of an award-winning charity Wheels for Wellbeing. And Isabelle found herself a recent recipient of an MBE in recognition of her amazing work.
These women share their own personal journeys while offering words of encouragement along the way to inspire others.
100 Voices: 100 Women Share Their Stories
Here’s an extract from Glasgow writer Deborah Martin’s contribution, “The Unkeepable Key”:
“Over the years, I’ve found my voice in various ways – in poems, in stories, in performances – and for a while afterwards the world and my place in it seems to come into rich, glowing focus. I’ve worn my voice with pride at those times, a golden key on a chain at my throat. Mine to keep, I’ve thought.
“And then something – a criticism, a rejection, a failure – will cause that chain to snap and the key to fall away. And then I’m down on my hands and knees again, patting the ground as I peer into every crack for the glint and glimmer of my own voice…”
Deborah then offers ways in which she’s found that key again, including self-kindness.
100 Voices: 100 Women Share their Stories of Achievement , edited by Miranda Roszkowski and published by Unbound. It’s out now priced at £10.99 and is available online and from all good bookshops.

100 Voices: 100 Women Share their Stories of Achievement.