Sneak Peek: Summer Special

Summer Special

Our amazing Summer Special is on sale now. Can’t wait to find out what’s inside? Then read on!

First up, Polly Pullar writes for us about the machair — grassland areas where wildflowers and tall grasses make perfect homes for rare British birds.

Her photographs are just lovely, and it’s heartening to hear a story of wildlife doing well.

The Nevis Gondola

Willie Shand tells us all about his trip up the famous Nevis Gondola, which travels to over 600 metres above sea level. It gives amazing views out to Loch Linnhe and the Western Highlands.

If you have a head for heights, why not watch the video above for a taste of his visit.

Amazing Mazes

Getty Images.

On page 67, Gilly Pickup is taking a look at some of the stunning mazes that you can find around Britain. If you’re brave enough to go in, she’s got some great suggestions for a summer day out!

The Re-enactors

Susie Kearley’s taking a look at some folk who enjoy bringing the past to life, whether it’s World War I or long-ago mediaeval days. And they make some great friends while they’re doing it, too!

The Stories

There’s a fabulous selection of 20 (!) short stories inside, with new work from “Friend” favourites Alison Carter, Teresa Ashby and Helen Yendall.

We’re also delighted to be bringing you a gripping 8-page story from Tony Redcliffe: “To Catch A Thief”.

Image courtesy of Belvoir Fruit Farms.

There’s some delicious elderflower recipes in our pages, and a chance to tell us what you think of the “Friend” Specials in the reader survey. Plus Malcolm Welshman helps you decode the language of your dog!

Special 175 is out on sale now.

You can save £12 a year on the price of the Specials by subscribing. Find out more about this great deal — and the free handbag that comes with it — on our website.


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Features Sneak Peek: Special 231

Fiction Preview: Special 231 The Special

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Features Sneak Peek: Special 230

Fiction Preview: Special 230 Fiction Ed's Blog

Fiction Preview: Special 230