It’s my first Editor’s Diary of 2022. And as I’m writing it, the snow is falling outside.
So far, it isn’t lying — which is good news!
It’s a far cry from the weather we had just three days ago.
After a grey and wet Christmas week, conditions at New Year turned colder and crisper.
With a few days off work, I took advantage of the most glorious winter’s morning to climb nearby Moncrieffe Hill. Regular readers of this diary will know it’s a favourite walk of mine.
As you can see from my picture, it was a gorgeous blue-sky day. And it felt so good to be out amongst those towering trees. Nature has a way of putting everything in perspective.
As I walked, I thought about my hopes for the year ahead.
Like everyone, I’d love to see an end to the pandemic and a return to a more normal life. But that’s outwith my control.
So my New Year Resolutions are on a smaller, more manageable scale. And I don’t go in for the kind that involve giving things up!
Instead, I’m going to try to do more of the things that bring me joy.
That includes walking more. (Though I already cover quite a few miles every week!)
And also reading more. That’s a challenging target as in 2021 I clocked up 27 books! Can I make it to 30 this year?
Spending more time with friends would be lovely, too.
Whatever your New Year Resolutions might be, I wish you good luck with them!
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