Editor’s Diary: A Clear View

Car windscreen wipers Pic: ShutterstockShutterstock©

Inspiration for stories can come from the most unexpected sources, as Stuart found out this week…

One of the many things I love the most about editing “The People’s Friend” is the sheer variety of articles and stories that come across my desk. Our writers and editors have the knack of finding great stories where you would least expect them.

There was one idea in particular that caught my eye this week, which you will be able to read yourself in our August 26 issue. It’s about… Wait for it… drum roll – the windscreen wiper.

Yes, that is not a typing error. The windscreen wiper. When my colleague, one of the most experienced members of our team, mentioned it, I did raise a quizzical eyebrow. However, as I totally trust this person, I gave them the benefit of the doubt and so I listened to what was planned in more detail.

Look out for this enjoyable read…

Needless to say, this particular writer easily won me round with his creativity. I come from a feature writing background myself and I have written about many subjects over the years – some more obscure than others – but not once in my endeavours did I even consider writing about the windscreen wiper in isolation.

I don’t know about you, but I’m not sure I have much to say about wipers. Is there much to say about them at all? Do we even really register their existence until they start making that annoying screechy noise when the blade is getting to the point when it needs replaced?

Thankfully, the team of writers I work with now have a lot more imagination than the younger me, and suffice to say I was suitably impressed with the idea that I accepted it for the “Friend”. I hope you enjoy it when it appears in the mag. As well as finding it a highly enjoyable read, I now drive with a newfound respect for my wipers – that’s not a sentence I ever expected to write!

Broughty Ferry Beach

Broughty Ferry Beach

As we move into August, it feels like winter is already on the horizon. Hasn’t the weather been awful in recent weeks? I don’t know about you, but having to go for an evening walk wearing a jacket while the temperature is still exceedingly mild, feels like I am being cheated somehow. At times it feels like the rain will never stop, but hopefully it will very soon and the second half of August will give us a late summer blaze of glory.

In the meantime, we just have to do that very British thing of heading outside prepared for all weathers and all situations. This picture of the beach near my home, looking out over Fife, was taken on a recent morning when it was raining and sweltering at the same time. At least the grey gives me a chance to take photos of a different colour of sky than brilliant blue. You always have to look on the bright side – even when it is exceedingly dull!

Whatever you have been doing, and whatever the weather was when you were doing it, I hope you have had a great week.

Read Editor’s Diary: Blurred Lines

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