Fiction Ed’s Blog: More 3000-Word Stories Needed

Shutterstock / Mustapha GUNNOUNI©

Hello, and welcome to this week’s Fiction Ed Blog.

This week, we’re looking at one particular story length which we’re going to be using more of, in future – 3000 words.

What We’re Looking For

You may have noticed that the word counts in our weekly issues have changed, very slightly.

Our previous word counts for the seven short stories in the weekly were 3000, 1800, 1200, 2000, 3000, 1800, and 1800.

We have changed story seven, and it’s now a 3000-word story.

So we’re looking for more 3000-word stories than we did previously.

3000-Word Stories

In our weekly issues, we feature six contemporary stories and one historical – and one 3000-word story is the ‘opener’ – our opening story.

As well as featuring in our weekly issue, we also feature stories with a word count of 3000 in our Specials.

We feature four 3000 word stories in each Special.

Although ‘Special’ stories need to have the same tone and ethos as “Friend” weekly stories, they can be a little more modern, a little more ‘edgy’ – or have a slightly ‘ghostly’ feel to them.

3000-word Story Slots

We also feature 3000 word stories in our “Magic Of Christmas” Bookazine, which we’re reading for, now.

3000-word Christmas stories for our Specials and weekly Christmas Bumper Issues are also welcome from around now.

We Allow 10% Either Way

When you’re writing your story, it may help to remember that we allow 10% word-count-wise, either way.

So we’re happy to accept 3000-word stories from 2700 words right up to 3300.

Similar Story Lengths

Got a story in mind, but can’t quite get it to fit the 3000-word slot?

Every issue of our Special features two 2500-word stories.

Our Specials also feature one 3500-word story, which is usually the final story.

And our popular little annuals feature a selection of word counts – more info on that by clicking here.

Best of luck!


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