A Magic Night At The Enchanted Forest, Pitlochry

Enchanted Forest, Pitlochry, light show over lake of circle with blue and yellow light beams

Digital Editor, Jacqueline, tells us about her trip to The Enchanted Forest in Pitlochry. It’s the first time the woodland lightshow has been back since lockdown, and they’re celebrating their 20th anniversary this year.

The theme for this year’s display, after a few years apart, is ‘Together’. Tickets sold out quickly and I hadn’t planned on going, but a colleague very kindly passed some on when they could no longer attend. The Enchanted Forest is one of those events that signals the start of the cosy season for me. And dare I say, the countdown to Christmas!

I’m so impressed with how well organised the whole operation is! Quick queues and regular shuttle buses take you to Faskally Wood, home to the enchanting lights. Throughout the trail, staff are on hand to keep you in the right direction. Three separate eatery areas offer donuts, hot dogs, burger, churros and luxury hot chocolates. Even fire pits for roasting marshmallows.

A glittering light bridge in a colourfully lit forest in the Enchanted Forest, Pitlochry

Photograph by Jacqueline Munro.

There are dazzling lights through the whole walk with neon signs and a glittering bridge, but the main instalments are the two set pieces. One as you enter with synchronised orbs on the forest floor, and one over the lake. Both set to music and a voiceover.

My favourite part was the very beginning with the orbs – they reminded me of wee forest folk or faeries! And I was thoroughly chuffed with my hot chocolate and churros.

Brightly lit orbs on the forest floor of the Enchanted Forest, Pitlochry

Photographs by Jacqueline Munro.

Pitlochry makes the most stunning autumn setting too. If you missed out on The Enchanted Forest this year, it’s well worth a visit next year.

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