Editor’s Diary: National Pet Month

Tortoiseshell cat snoozing in the sun

In my latest Editor’s Diary, I’m talking about pets. It is National Pet Month, after all!

To be more accurate, I’m talking specifically about my pets. Any excuse will do! As regular readers of this Diary know, my pets play a huge part in my life.

The snoozing tortoiseshell girl in my top photograph is Matilda. She likes to supervise while I’m working from home. Though it looks as if the lure of my cosy fleece wrap was too tempting this time!

Sleeping on the job is not something I can condone . . .

I have written about my many home-working adventures with cats before. They certainly keep me entertained and on my toes. And the team’s favourite video meetings are the ones where at least one cat is present.

Fluffy ginger cat held in arms

Zorro is Matilda’s soft and fluffy brother. He, too, loves to keep me company during the working day. Especially when he gets to snuggle on my lap. Though typing one-handed isn’t ideal, I have to admit . . .

I have loved having the chance to spend so much time with my cats over the past two years. That’s been one positive of the pandemic for me. And for them! They don’t seem too unhappy about having me around. Plus they get tuna for lunch every day.

My third pet is my gorgeous Highland pony Texa.

White highland pony stood in a misty field

She’s probably less happy than the cats about spending more time with me! Her favourite pastimes are eating and sleeping and she prefers to avoid exercise whenever possible – she sees it as a waste of eating time!

Increasingly, science is showing that spending time with pets is good for our health. That’s something we pet lovers have always known!


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