Reading time for me is last thing at night, lying in bed when I want to be swept along by a great story which is why I decided to tackle Jodi Picoult’s “Leaving Time”.
It’s always a bit frustrating when you reach the end of a book, yet sleep is still out of reach. I find a kindle is great for that, because so many books are at your fingertips!
“Leaving Time” focuses on the central character of Jenna, a teenage girl whose mother has been missing for most of her life.
All Jenna knows is that, following a tragic accident, her mother was found seriously injured and taken to hospital. Before police had the chance to interview her, Jenna’s mother disappeared from the ward, never to be seen again.
We follow the teenager as she becomes ever more desperate to find answers — and, more importantly, her mother. She enlists the help of a medium (who ironically doesn’t foresee her own fall from grace). She also approaches a private investigator, who seeks solace in alcohol in a bid to help him forget his own demons.
A real bolt from the blue
Yes, he was one of the first on the scene when Jenna’s mother Alice was found . . .
Jenna picks up the trail following the notes her mother made as a scientist studying elephants. So we not only become invested in Jenna’s welfare, but also that of the elephants, too.
Though obviously a lot of research has gone into this, midway through the book I felt the focus on the elephants detracted somewhat from what is, overall, a captivating read.
The strong central characters kept me invested, however, for a plot twist that is a real bolt from the blue.
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