Bookcase Reading From Fiction Team’s Tracey


My bookcase is practically part of my family.

There has never been a time in my life when I’ve not had a book on the go, and I always know the next two books I’m going to read.

My mum and dad both worked and were very busy, but they always made time to read. And it’s certainly rubbed off on me.

I would always take a book with me if we went anywhere. I loved fiction, but one of my favourite books was a title that will be familiar with people of my age: “Arthur C. Clarke’s Mysterious World”!

What youngster wasn’t fascinated by The Bermuda Triangle, spontaneous combustion and alien abduction back in the day?

We’ve got two bookcases in the house, and both are fairly crammed.

I do pass my books on to charity shops etc, but there are ones that you would never part with. My John le Carre books, and obviously the classics stay put.

I’m also a film fan, so biographies take up a fair space. And I can go back to anything to do with Scott and Shackleton time and again.

It’s safe to say we’re rather a nerdy family, and that’s reflected on the bookshelves too . . . history and science are very popular.

Out of this world

Photograph by Tracey Steel.

There’s no doubt that my favourite shelf is the one with my space-related books on it.

I think if you’re interested in something you should read everything you can about that subject. My highlights are A Man On The Moon” by Andrew Chaikin and “How Apollo Flew To The Moon” by David Woods. As far as autobiographies go, “Carrying The Fire” by Apollo 11’s Michael Collins is a wonderful read.

I’ve also recently discovered a love for historical fiction, thanks to Angela’s brilliant recommendations, and I’m immersed in “Wolf Hall” by Hilary Mantel.

My ideal “lockdown library” would have crime, space and history pretty much on a loop!

A crime author you can always rely on is Michael Connelly. For a gripping read, I’d suggest “The Lost Men. The Harrowing Story Of Shackleton’s Ross Sea Party” by Kelly Tyler-Lewis.

The story focuses on the team of men who went ahead to lay a vital lifeline of shelter and supplies for Shackleton’s epic attempt. For a cracking historical read, look no further than “His Bloody Project” by Graeme Macrae Burnet.

We’d love to hear what’s on your bookcase. So why not go over to our Twitter page and let us know?

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