Editor’s Diary: My Podcast Debut!


Podcast. It’s a funny word, isn’t it? In fact it’s a portmanteau word, a mash-up of “iPod” and “broadcast”.

The dictionary defines it as “a digital audio file made available on the internet for downloading to a computer or mobile device, typically available as a series, new instalments of which can be received by subscribers automatically.”

However, that doesn’t tell you is just how entertaining a podcast can be.

And how do I know? Because this week I was asked to appear as a guest on the “Pass It On” podcast.

The brainchild of my DC Thomson colleagues Chris and Steve, it’s based on tips that readers of the Sunday Post sent in to the paper over 50 years ago.

Each episode is hosted by the lovely Connie, who is frequently baffled by the vintage advice being shared.

The team wanted to make a special episode for the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of World War II. Issues of the “Friend” from that period are packed with tips and hints, so I knew I would have plenty to talk about!

The recording took place in a little room on the seventh floor of our office building, and it was lots of fun. The discussion was unscripted, and frequently went off at tangents — hopefully with entertaining results!

I don’t envy Chris the job of editing it all.

You’ll be able to hear it for yourself soon. But in the meantime, why not have a listen to previous episodes of the “Pass It On” podcast below? I can thoroughly recommend it!


Subscribing to “Pass It On” is completely free. Find it on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Episodes are available every Wednesday.

Not sure about how to subscribe or listen to a podcast? See our handy guide here.


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