Iain’s Favourite Birthday Memories

happy birthday

Today is my birthday!

Unlike the “Friend”, my celebrations won’t last for a full year . . . but then again, I didn’t just turn 150!

Actually, thinking about how we’re marking our occasion — like with our exhibition at the Scottish Storytelling Centre in Edinburgh, our “Afternoon With The ‘Friend'” event, and of course the 150th Birthday Bash at Alvaston Hall Hotel — made me wonder about my celebrations.

Some of my earliest childhood memories are of birthday parties. I vividly remember, for example, the chaos a magician caused by actually pulling a rabbit out of a hat. I remember, too, an auntie hogging a bouncy castle and howling with laughter the whole time.

As I got older, there would be “cooler” activities, like group trips to the cinema (when summer blockbuster season didn’t start until summer). We’d go bowling, or frequently . . . hang out in a park.

I definitely had a less active imagination in those days!

When I was a student, things were occasionally a little more . . . raucous. But the less said — or remembered — about that, the better!

It’s all fairly low-key these days; usually a meal with the family, or a few drinks with friends.

I think I’ve come round to the quieter approach.

But if ever there is an occasion that justifies a significant celebration, the “Friend” reaching 150 is definitely it!

And we do know how to party . . .


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