Meet The Team: The Admin Team

Welcome to our new series, looking at all the inspiring people who work behind the scenes to make up the wider “People’s Friend” team. Let’s start by meeting our Admin Team – Kari, Julie, Rachel, Sam, and Team Leader Lynn.

Tell us about your roles within the “Friend” team.

We handle all payments, including new contributors’ terms and conditions; we scan contracts and electronically file information in a central location, then ensure each contributor is paid.

We organise all business travel and accommodation for People’s Friend staff, ensuring that these arrangements run smoothly.

We also assist Fiction Ed Shirley with Admin for any “Friend” Fiction Workshops.

Other tasks in a typical week?

We transcribe recorded interviews – including interviews from Alex that are needed NOW! We also book in and record unsolicited manuscripts from authors, which enables them to be “tracked”, making it less likely they’ll be mislaid. One of our nicest duties is sending out the tea caddies for “Between Friends”.

Because we carry out a number of Admin-related tasks across the People’s Friend brand, we have a wide knowledge of the title. The camaraderie and relationship we have built with the wider “Friend” team make our job a whole lot easier, gives us a real sense of inclusion, and helps us feel that we make a valuable contribution.

Any other “Friend” connections?

Before the Admin Hub was created, Team Leader Lynn worked as the dedicated “Friend” Admin staff member for nearly 30 years. And Rachel’s nan is an avid reader, at 92 years young.

Do you have any contact with “Friend” readers?

We handle all “Friend” Reader Surveys, which helps us build up reader profiles. Going through the “Friend” emails daily gives us a connection with some of the readers. In particular, a reader from Australia regularly updates us with his news. So if you’re reading this – hello, Ted!


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