How to Choose a Firepit

fire pit

Summer may be over, but outdoor living isn’t!

While I love summer, I adore winter and being outdoors in the fresh air. If you work in an office all week, it’s nice to get outside as much as you can.

If you have space in the garden then a firepit is great for atmosphere, and getting a little heat into the air.

Choosing a firepit

Most DIY stores have a few options for you to choose from so you can pick the size and style you like most. Or you could go all out and build one into your garden. There are many great blogs out there giving advice on building firepits.

We opted for a free-standing firepit, as we have a concrete patio. These are not advised if you have wooden decking for obvious reasons.

We opted for a firepit with an integrated cover too, as Edinburgh can be windy, and we didn’t want any stray logs falling out of the fire pit.

Another thing to consider is that as this is an outdoor piece of furniture, it is open to the elements. Bearing this in mind, it’s important to prepare and get a waterproof cover for your firepit. This doesn’t mean the firepit won’t age, or rust, but it will slow down the process.

moscow mule

What to do with your firepit

My favourite thing to do is gather friends together, prepare good food and drink Moscow Mules. You can find a good recipe for Moscow Mules here, another nice drink is a spicy hot chocolate and I like this one. 

You can also toast marshmallows in your fire pit, make sure you soak wooden sticks in water before putting into the fire. It’s also nice to hang up outdoor lights, it really adds to the atmosphere of cosy and winter.

Having your outdoor space prepared means you gain an extra room in the winter months, and get fresh air into the bargain!


Be extra cosy this winter with your copy of the “Friend” delivered to your door 


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