Daily Tips for Looking After Yourself

self care

As we move into the colder months, self-care is more important than ever

With all the stresses of modern life, we need to take care of ourselves on a day to day basis. We can often feel like we are looking after ourselves by treating ourselves, by buying new clothes or eating cake, but that is a skewed idea of self-care.

Treating ourselves means eating good food, looking after our bodies

Eating good food

Eating lots of fresh fruit and vegetables is important to good health but it’s one of the first ways you can look after yourself. Junk food and convenience foods are okay for once in a while but eating fresh and home-cooked food daily is better.

It is easier than ever to find recipes for healthy foods, our site has plenty to choose a varied diet, you can find them here. If you plan ahead you should always be able to have a healthy snack on hand.


Taking regular exercise is a great way to look after yourself. Studies say you need at least 20 minutes of exercise at least three times a week. You could do this by swimming, running, jogging, or even walking. You could also join a local gym, and fit regular attendance into your weekly routine.

However, you do not need to join a gym to get fit. It is easy to find plenty of classes to follow on YouTube. If you are new to exercising, check with your doctor that it’s okay, then find yourself a beginners class online.


Having time daily to think and contemplate is a great addition to looking after yourself. It’s important to check in with your mind and be in the moment. Just 5-10 minutes a day of meditation gives you an opportunity to relax and helps to relieve stress.

You can do this yourself, or find a guided meditation online, or find an app like Headspace on your phone. All you need to do is sit and breathe and clear your mind for a few minutes.

Taking time for yourself

It’s important if you are working, or looking after a family or both at the same time to take time out for you.

For some of us, we do this already, we take time to read a book or a walk in the park. Find some time in your week just for you, and feel the benefits all week long!

Do you know just how good garlic is for you? 


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