Our furry friends are part of the family, and making sure our gardens are dog proof is as important as colour schemes.
In our house, our pup Poppy rules and we adore it. Conversations are often peppered with concern or care for our pup, not to mention, many, many giggles at her behaviour. She loves playing in the garden and making sure the garden is safe for her to explore is a top priority.
I’m guessing our home is like many others, cats and dogs are often pampered pets, and chatter in the “Friend” office is often full of pet chat. So we were delighted with this guide on how to pet-proof your home.
How to pet-proof your home
Make sure you have fences
If you allow your dog to roam off-leash in the garden, ensuring you have a sturdy fence with no holes in is key to prevent your dog from escaping. Fences can also be useful if you want to section off any areas of the garden from your dog.
Avoid having exposed dirt or soil
Having large patches of exposed dirt or soil encourages dogs to dig, destroying certain areas of your garden.
Secure plant beds and borders
Constructing low borders or barriers is key to protecting plants from dogs crushing them or using them as a toilet.
Use raised beds
Building raised beds protects your plants from dogs and keeps the beds clean and tidy.
Cover ponds/pools when not in use
Keeping any ponds or a pool covered is vital if you don’t want your dog splashing around and traipsing dirty pond water into the house. It’s also a safety measure, so you can ensure your dog won’t encounter any danger in the water.
Be aware of plants that are poisonous to dogs
Get rid of any plants you have that may harm your dog, a few being; onions, garlic, chives, foxglove, crocus and more. Make sure to google a full list before letting your dog run free in the garden.
Don’t grow thorny plants
Thorny plants, such as cacti, can be harmful to your dog as there is a risk the prickles may get stuck in its fur.
Opt for strong self-repairing grasses
Dogs can dig at your lawn and also urinate on it, causing the grass’s condition to gradually deteriorate. Try planting strong self-repairing grass, such as Buffalo grass or Kikuyu, to have a perfect looking lawn.
Give your dog its own space to play
Hiding some of your dog’s favourite toys and treats in this area will encourage it to stay in this area, protecting the rest of your garden from dog damage.
Keep garden gates shut
This may sound like an obvious one, but keeping your firmly gate shut at all times stops your dog from running off or getting locked out.
The team behind online garden retailer Garden Buildings Direct advise Brits on how they can keep both their plants and pooches happy in the garden this summer.
A spokesperson said: “Spending quality time in the garden is something most of us have been enjoying during the hot weather. In the balmy heat dogs also want to be outdoors, having fun in the hot sunny weather and relaxing in the shade. With these top tips, you can rest assured that both dog and plants will exist in harmony during the hotter months.”
Using raised beds, creating a dog play area, and getting rid of thorny plants are just a few of the handy ways to keep dogs and gardens safe this summer.
Covering ponds and pools when not in use and opting against plants that could be poisonous to four-legged friends is also vital.